Chapter Six ~ Dinner

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now it was quiet in the limo as it drove towards the Swan resident to pick up Charlie and Bella

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Now it was quiet in the limo as it drove towards the Swan resident to pick up Charlie and Bella.

Akeno and Asia could really tell something was bothering Antonio after he met Jacob and it was starting to unsettle Akeno, though she would wait, until her mate was ready to explain.

"Are you alright Antonio?" Asia whispered softly, almost like she was scared to ask, though a small smile calmed her down a little.

"Fine though a little annoyed with someone right now."

They knew he was talking about Jacob, so they didn't press the matter instead choosing to entertain his father and somewhat his sister when they picked them up.

"Wow Antonio my boy, this food is amazing!" Charlie was happily eating on his fish and ramen as Bella kind of picked through everything but eventually eating it also.

"Thank you dad, thought you would like something new to try." I smiled, my chest feeling quite heavy with pride as I watched my dad eating the food with such happiness on his face.

Bella was usually a picky eater so I wasn't that fazed when she picked at some egg, or even some of the sashimi.

"You'll have to come visit us in Japan one of these days Oto-san." Asia was smiling, she was never a big eater so she only had a small plate with a bit of everything.

"Really now?" Charlie lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah dad, really." I nodded along, glancing at Bella.

"Are you enjoying yourself Bella?" She hadn't said anything on our way here nor even about the food.

"Y-yeah." She signed, I could Akeno from the corner of my eye glaring at her.

She was annoying at times but Bella still was my sister so I lightly smacked her thigh underneath the table.

"That's good." I frowned at her, "you could visit also if you like." I only stared, watch her slowly chew her food as she slowly nodded back at me.

"I'm guessing once we finish desert we should head home." Akeno smiled watching Charlie nod along with her idea.

"Yeah, dinner is amazing and I'm sure desert will be great also, but I got work early tomorrow." He let out a signed, probably already feeling tired.

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled motioning, for the waitress.


"I set up the barrier." Akeno smiled, setting of the barrier to prevent people from listening in. Ebichu was already napping when we got back with a small thing of cheese, which I guess either my dad or Bella gave to her.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" She was already undressed, and In bed as I helped Asia out her dress.

"We're gonna spend the day in bed, and the night practicing magic with Asia." As much as she didn't like violence Asia was gonna have to learn some form of defense to protect herself.

"But..." She wondered off, she stopped talking when she knew it wasn't up for discussion.

"O-okay." She nodded, laying in bed with Akeno.

"I'm guessing neither of you are going to wear clothes tonight?" I didn't blink an eye, it was normal for them to be naked in bed though I've recently gotten into it also, unwillingly might I add.

"You'll keep us warm, right?" Akeno winked, pulling the covers back for me to get in, she knew what she was doing.

"Make sure to give Gasper a call. He's feeling a little needy." She smirked, she would be right beside me, listening. And some part of me curse the fact the Gasper couldn't come along, but then again my father would've probably died on the spot if he saw him.

"Oh hush," Asia didn't say anything but she was blushing a bit, "I'll give him a call later."

We didn't end up falling completely asleep since vampire ended up searching around our room, but we did fall asleep right after he left which was close to three in the morning.

Disco boy was going down, if he came into my shit again, and I was gonna let him know that.

Short, I know. But things are getting good from here on out, I'mma try to make this story quickly while it's still fresh in my mind so🐼

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