Chapter Four ~ Cold Ones

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The second everyone stepped out the door, Antonio immediately frowned. His eyes beginning to search through the trees as Akeno pulled Asia behind her.

He'd sensed these people the second they arrived in front of the house and wanted to know who they could be.

In all honesty he didn't trust Edward, something was weird about him and the second they get into the car he'll be sending a message to Rias to see if she can get any information.

"There." Antonio paused, his eyes moving to the side towards a line of trees where he saw six figures hiding in the trees. The same pale skin, and golden eyes.

"Ah, people of the supernatural." His mind processed everything, he'll also be sure to inform Rias of the extra obtained information.

"Well, now that you two have met my father would you like to meet a family friend of ours?" Antonio walked down towards the car, motioning towards the open door for the girls to get in first.

"Of course!" Akeno smirked, "I have to know everyone my husband gets along with!" She quickly got in with a pouting Asia.

"Yeah! We must know who our husband likes and doesn't like!" Asia probably didn't understand fully what she was talking about, and maybe he should limit her time with Akeno before the girl teach her something really bad.

"Yeah..." Antonio nodded, he sent a glare towards the trees were the people were hiding and made a mental note.

"Three women, and three men."

"Alright you can go now." Antonio made a motion for the driver to go.

"Akeno darling," he started up, "can you explain to Rias the othernews?"

He handed her his phone, Asia was cuddling up on his lap, rubbing small circles into his shoulder.

"Ah, the pest problem." She nodded, she was sure that they could've just struck them but understood that he haven't told his father anything and suddenly seeing lighting forming in her hands would arise problems for everyone that saw.

"Yes, please." Antonio nodded, he was slightly tired from the plane ride but that wasn't going to stop him from seeing everyone.

He could relax all day tomorrow after this.

"Oh my." Rosalie couldn't help but gasp along with her Coven.

The women she saw were stunning, beyond humanly possible, and Bella's brother was also just as gorgeous. More so because she was into men and not women.

"Are they vampires?" Emmett paused, he knew that was a stupid question, but their beauty was just impossible. Not even the wolves were that good-looking.

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