Chapter Seven ~ Weird

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's was quiet in the Cullen household, Rosalie for once wasn't complaining about Bella being inside their home and Jasper wasn't busy trying to calm anyone's emotion down

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It's was quiet in the Cullen household, Rosalie for once wasn't complaining about Bella being inside their home and Jasper wasn't busy trying to calm anyone's emotion down.

It was just silent. Edward currently had Bella's brothers phone in hand and they were staring in mock confusion.

It was unlocked, and a the screen background popped up with multiple women and a guy in the background.
Photo up top, blocked out Issei's yeah.⬆️
"There's more of them?" Alice gasped, everyone seemed to look gorgeous.

"I'm surprised he's even Bella's brother." Rosalie snapped, she was honestly a little jealous of the women in the photo but she wouldn't say anything, but that knowing look Edward gave her was enough to let her know that he knew.

"What?" Bella slightly glared, though she knew she was right. Her brother had always been the favorite between her parents, he was just that good looking. So she wasn't surprised when he left looking great then came back looking extraordinary.

"There's so many girls..." Emmett whistled, and earned a harsh slap to the neck from Esme.

"Yeah, though we only saw these two." Edward pointed to the blonde girl with long hair and the girl with long black hair.

"Whose the others then?" Jasper frowned, if he remembered correctly then he was suppose to be dating only two of them, but a red head was currently squeezing the life out of him and seemed to be the closest to him.

"I don't know." Carlisle clicked on the camera app only to find nothing but photos of everyone, and a locked photo album labeled as 'work'

"There's just photos." He strolled through some catching a few Scandalous ones from either the red head or Akeno, as Edward called her.

"They sure don't have shame." Esme gasped, at a few. Finally just setting it down were they weren't looking at them anymore.

"They sure don't." Rosalie scoffed, but she wouldn't act like she didn't do some for Emmett, non of them would like they did for their mate.

"Incoming message sent by BbyGasper"

The phone went off and everyone paused, staring, as it vibrated on the table a few times before stopping.

"Incoming picture sent by BbyGasper"

"Incoming message sent by PurrfectKoneko"

"Incoming Video sent by Princess Rias"

The phone started going crazy for a hot second before it stopped. Everyone stared, hearing the announcement of everything.

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