Chapter Two ~ Red eyes

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"What are you doing?" Bella stood confused inside the small living room as she watched Charlie move boxes from the attic and into the basement.

"Your brother," he took a deep breath, wiping some sweat from his brow, "is coming down to visit."

He sounded excited. More excited than when she told him she was coming down to Forks and she was a little jealous. Not because of her brother, but the relationship her brother has with their father. She tries, but they're just completely different people with completely different interest.

"Really now?" Bella perked up a bit, she haven't seen or talked to him in a long time. So his sudden visit was very surprising to her.

"Yup!" Charlie beamed, "I'm getting his old bedroom a little clean up, before he arrives."

Charlie motioned towards the cans of paint that laid beside the front door.

"All I'm doing now is updating it a little bit like I did with your room."

Truth be told, he didn't really update her room, he just refreshed it for her and she expected that. But looking at all the things that were laid around, her brother was also was getting the bare minimum with just a few touch ups on the walls and probably floor, but she didn't see him do any of that.

"I-i'll help." Bella picked up a random box, just as Charlie gave her a small smile.

"If it's fine with you." He nodded and everything just fell into an comfortable silence, as they moved boxes to and from and then proceeded to slowly unbox them.

"Oh, and dad." Bella started up, just as she was setting some newly dusted trophies on the shelf's.


"I'm dating Edward Cullen."

In the gorgeous home of The Olympic Coven everything was feeling swell...If you could consider Rosalie angrily storming around the home cursing at Edward, swell that is.

"Everyone's just going to act like this won't get us KILLED!" She was totally against the idea of having Bella come visit the family after the girl stubbornly continued to forcibly insert herself into their business.

"Calm down will can't be that bad Rose." Emmett was following her around in an failed attempt to calm her down as Edward she stood watching his Coven sister hiss at him in anger.

"It's to late for any regrets, she already knows to much after Edward confirmed her suspicions."

Yeah Carlisle was a little disappointed and worried but Edward had made his bed and now he has to lay in it.

"Are you even sure she's your mate, or are you just craving her blood?" Rosalie hissed, she was wouldn't be so angry if it wasn't the fact that Edward said her blood was appealing to him, she was worried that he let a human that didn't have any ties to him but her blood get them killed.

"I'm sure!" Edward tired defending himself.

"Are you REALLY?" Rose snapped, "or are you just LONELY?" She was afraid yes, and she kinda felt bad when she saw him move back a bit at her words.

"I-i'm positive." He gave a small frown.

"Babe that was unnecessary." Emmett gave Edward a sad smile, though anyone could tell that he too and everyone else just knew the truth.

Edward Mason Cullen was lonely, and his bloodsinger just so happens to attract his attention, and same could be said for the other.

"Now, now everyone." Alice bounded in with a smile.

"I've seen Bella in our future and we're a quite happy."

Jasper was at her side like always, and could barely contain himself from the amount of stress, sadness, anger and fear that flooded the room.

"Really now?" Esme finally spoke up, she had a hand placed on Edwards back slowly rubbing it since she knew Rose's words hit harder then he showed.

"Positive!" She slightly frowned, but she knew it didn't help that everyone was upset that Edward told.

"I've grown fond of Bella!" She looked slightly upset, she was the only one that seemed to take joy out of talking to Bella but then again she did like talking to everyone that she was allowed to, she liked the idea of having another sister.

"But we still could get killed." Rose was frustrated, she was more worried about them dying than Edward lusting over some blood he knew he couldn't have. Infact Bella's existence annoyed her for some reason, almost like her body was warning her of some foreign dangers that are to come.

"She'll cause us trou-"

Everyone paused, the clock struck Midnight and Alice froze. Jasper placing a hand on her shoulder to steady her since she began shaking a bit.

"Alice?" Carlisle sped over to her, grabbing her other shoulder.

Edward stared, trying to read what she was seeing only having no idea as images quickly flashed in her mind.

A man in his early twenties with dark brown hair, and Brown eyes. He resembled a bit of Bella but mostly looked like a younger and cleaner version of Charlie.

A young woman in her early twenties with long blonde hair and green eyes. She looked to be from some parts of Europe.

And finally another woman in her early twenties that had long Black hair and a darker shade of Black eyes to match. She seemed to be of Asian descent, and had teasing smile plastered across her face.

They all looked unfamiliar beside the man who resembled Bella and Charlie. Alice's vision also showed the man giving Charlie a big hug and Bella a kiss on the forehead before his body turned around to 'stare' at them with glowing red eyes, then everything faded out.

"Alice?" Carlisle gave her a small pat.

"Edward?" Esme gave him a small pat.

"It seems like there are three new people coming to Forks, and they have some type of relationship with Bella." Alice snapped out of it and turned to give Jasper a small hug.

"Well isn't that great!" Rosalie scoffed, she seemed to be in shock.

"His eyes glowed red, and he seemed to stare right back at us like he knew we saw him." Edward gained a small frown on his face.

Alarm bells were ringing in his head and his body was twitching in a small twinge of fear. Those red eyes weren't anything like a vampire who drinks blood.

They still had the brown undertone, but the red just seems to highlight it, almost giving the color an ominous feeling.

"I'll try talking to Bella, to see what's going on." Edward, didn't wait for a reply. It was already almost striking two in the morning, and he knew she'll be up waiting for him still.

"We're going to die." Rosalie truly ment it this time, they all felt a small shiver when Alice was seeing into the future, they knew something was going to change.

They will be arriving next chapter, I'm enjoying writing something like this. I've always wondered what it'll be like mixing the two and honestly I love it.

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