Twenty Nine

49 37 9

Jamie's POV.

I usually don't mind furniture or designs but this living room is unbelievable And I would kill to have a living room this size in my house.

Emily and I went to the garden leaving Luther and grandmom in the living room.

It was my chance to tell her about my feelings.

Emily!! I need to tell you something...

Emily: I'm listening.

(While I'm trying to say that I love her, the butler cut me off and handed her a phone.)

The buttler: Sorry for interrupting miss Emily, but mister Randy wants to talk to you.

Emily took the phone from the butler and thanked him, he left the room. Emily put the call on the speaker to show me how annoying he is.

Randy: How you doing Emily, neither you and my dad answer my calls, Why is that?

Emily: Your dad has a guest and he has no time for you.

Randy: and what about you? Why didn't you answer my calls?

Emily: I have a guest too, I have no time for you either.

Randy: Since when are you allowed to have guests Emily?

Emily: None of your business you bastard! I don't work for you Randy.

Randy: I'm just kidding Emily, could you please tell me who are you with? Tell me as a friend.

Emily: Jamie Scott.

Randy: Jamie Scott is your friend?! could you please hand him the phone?

(I gestured with my hands asking her to not give me the phone.)

Emily: I can't, he is busy now.

Randy: He is a friend of mine too, I just want to say hi.

Emily: I don't have time for your shit Randy, if you want to talk to Jamie call him on his phone.(ending the call)

You are tough Emily, I didn't know that.

Emily: People like Randy should be treated like that, he thinks that I'm his servant, anyway what were you attending to say?

"And while I'm trying to say what I wanted to say again, her phone rang again and the caller was Randy, this son of bitch in not going to let me tell her about my feelings."

Emily: Randy will not stop calling so I'm just going to ignore him, tell me.

I was going to say that I'm in love with you since I met you few years ago and I want to be your boyfriend.

(A silence for few seconds.)

Emily: This came out of the blue, I really don't know what to say or how to act.

You don't have to give me an answer now, take your time and this about it as much as you want.

"After few moments of silence I decided to speak."

How about we break this awkward moment and let me make you the best Martini.

Emily: I didn't know that you are good at making drinks.

I have the best clubs in the states I must be good at drinks. Follow me to Luther's kitchen I will show you how good I am.

"I went to the house heading to the kitchen and she followed me."

I asked the butler about the ingredients and he has everything I need.

Emily: What are you going to make.

Like I said before, the best martini ever.

We have the real martini in Dukes in London, the key is frozen gin and frozen glass, a little bit of vermouth swirl it around, dump then add the gin cut the lime twist squeeze the peal inside out and dont add ice! Ever!

Emily (After taking a sip): It's really nice, we should let Luther and Maria try it.

Why not, let me make some more.

"After making two new glasses of martini we head to my grandmother and her love."

Hey guys, I made some martini for you and I want you to give me your opinion about it.

Luther (After taking a sip): It's the best martini I've ever had, how did you make it?

I used to make it for my grandma when I was at university.

Luther: It's a shame not to make it for her everyday.

Maria: I usually drink alcohol in occasions like this one for my health, but Jamie is good boy, he makes me a green drink every day, a drink for my health.

Luther: We should try that too.

Okay guys, enjoy your martini excuse us, we are going to have a walk.

Luther: You are excused guys, enjoy your evening.

(I went outside with Emily and started walking in peaceful silence.)

Emily (After a while of not talking.): If we start dating how are we going to meet with this Job?

It's very simple, I will follow you to any country you are, and we can meet when Luther goes to his bed.

Emily: That does not make sense Jamie!! Leaving your social life and your business just to follow me.

I will do anything just to be beside you no matter what that will cost me.

Emily: You are a good guy Jamie, I accept that we are going to date, but no need to follow me everywhere, we can meet every weekend or two so no need to lose your life because of me.

Being with you is what makes me happy, and my life without you is a pile of shit.

Emily: Your words are really touching! Straight to my heart, I'm going to ask mister Luther to give me an hour or two to have our first date tomorrow.

Someone slap me because I'm sure that I'm dreaming at the moment.

Emily: Someone should slap me too because I cannot believe that I'm gonna date someone after all these years of convincing my self that I don't need a man in my entire life.

How about we slap each other.

Emily: How about we enjoy the stars.

That works too.

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