Chapter Four

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Eric' pov

I can't imagine that I finally met Emily! I will do my best to keep her in my company.  It's 8 in the evening, I should leave now because my wife and I have guests for dinner tonight.

I ride my  G-wagen and leave my company, I call my wife to see if she wants anything for the guests. Hey Lily, how you doing my love?

Lily: I'm doing okay Eric, but I'm so tired of preparing for this party.

You will be fine my love after seeing me.

Lily: how lucky I am. Said in a sarcastic way

I chuckle.

Do you need anything for this party I should bring?

Lily: no need, I brought everything this morning, All I need is you beside me at the moment.

Okay Juliet, She laughs,don't be late Romeo.

We hung up the phone

I arrive to my house after 20 minutes of driving, the gaurd opens me the Gate, I enter And give my car to the driver, you all ask why I have a driver but I don't let him help me.

Because I prefer to be alone during the day, usually drivers are informants, I don't want him because of few amount of money to tell my enemies about my me.
I keep him in the house to help my wife. Anyway, I enter and kiss Lily and go to change my clothes. I come downstairs and check the party preparations.

Lily: you look happy today Eric, what is the secret?

There is no secret my love just met an old friend of mine.

Lily: who is he.

She, my love.

I didn't mention that my wife is very jealous.

She!! Who is she Eric?

Emily Wolberg.

The girl that you had a crush on at high school?

Yes, it's not a big deal.

Lily: Not a big deal, don't meet her again Eric, she is going to steal you from me.

I hired her as my assistant. I said in a very low voice.

Lily: what! What did you just say?

She wants to meet you too.

Lily: First of all I'm not going to meet her, second of all you should fire her right away or I swear to god I'm leaving.

Guests are coming, can we continue this conversation when they leave.

Lily: Eric giller. This conversation will end tonight, we will wait our guests to leave and we will end it tonight, do you hear me?

You are the boss.

Lily: are you trying to be fun Eric.

No I'm not, I said while I'm scratching my head looking at the chandelier.

Guests enter our house, we greet them and the party just started. We have 20 guests and they are here to celebrate our anniversary with us.
Did i mention that today is our anniversary. After 3 hours of celebration the last guests left our house.

Lily: Eric Giller. I didn't forget you, follow me to our room.

Okay madam. I'm all yours.

She didn't say Anything.

I knock on the door, open it and she was changing her clothes, and removing her make up.

Hello Julliet, my lovely angel.

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