Chapter fourteen

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Emily's POV.

Four days later, I go to the hospital to visit Jamie like every day, I enter his room to find Maria is exhausted so I asked her to go home to have some rest after a long time negotiating she finally agrees.

Few hours later while I'm holding Jamie's hand he move it and then he wakes up.

Jamie: Bella! How long have I been here.

You are awake! Thank God! 6 days more or less.

Jamie: what happened.

You had an accident when you went to the supermarket, how do you feel?

Jamie: I can't remember, can I have some water please.

So I put few drips of water inside his mouth, because I should ask the doctor first if it's okay for him to have water.

Jamie I have to tell you something, my name is not Bella my name is Emily.

Jamie: you are kidding me right.

No I'm not.

Jamie: why didn't you tell me when we met before.

I used to work with William and he hurt me with injuries so I left his company to work with Eric and to be safe I changed my name. I thought that he sent you to harm me or something that's why I didn't give you my real name (I lied).

Jamie:I'm not that kind of people, I had never hit a woman in my entire, life I'm going to kill William when I get better.

No need to do that we moved on so don't worry.

Jamie: So you are the same Emily who used to work for William as assistant.


Jamie: he is in love with you, you know that right?

I know.

Jamie: What about you, do you love him?

Hell no, that guy is crazy, I don't even stand being with him in the same room.

Jamie: Good, so I still have a chance.

How about you focus on getting better for now.

Jamie: Why?

Because I'm moving to another state I got a job four days ago, but I told them that I can't come because I was waiting you to wake up.

Jamie: too much information for someone who just woke up after 6 days coma.

I have to go to this job because I quit from Eric's company.

Jamie: okay how about working in one of my companies?

I can't be so close to you.

Jamie: and why is that?

I can't answer this question, I'm calling your grandmother to tell her that you woke up.

Jamie: before calling my grandmother answer my question.

I'm not going to answer your question Jamie, don't push me, I feel not comfortable speaking about that

Jamie: okay, I'm sorry.

I'm going to tell the doctor that you are awake.

The doctor confirmed that he is in a good situation and he can leave in 3 days, we thanked him.

Few minutes of silence.

Jamie I have another thing to tell you.

Jamie: oh my god another bad news.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for good so we will not see each other again.

Jamie: give me a break Emily are you trying to kill me or what.

I'm just telling you because this the last day for me and you, let's enjoy it.

Jamie: which state are you moving to?

Do you know how to play chess?

Jamie: Do you know how to answer my fucking question and stop changing subjects!

Calm down Jamie, nothing is more important than your health, have some rest I'm going to buy a chess board.

Jamie's pov

This woman will drive me crazy for sure, I don't know what I should do to keep her beside me.  taking an advice from William will make it worse because William couldn't keep her to him self.

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep because I'm afraid to not wake up till tomorrow and not see Emily again.

I asked a nurse to give me something to help keeping me awake, she refused because they want me to relax and in my situation sleeping is the best way but I don't want to sleep this is the last day with Emily I'm going to spend most of it with her.

Few minutes later my grandmother comes in.

Maria: hey darling, I'm glad that you finally got better, how do you feel?

Hey grandma, I'm doing great the doctor said that I'm getting better and I'm leaving in three days.

Maria: I'm really happy to hear that.

but I have a problem.

Maria: what is it? should I call the doctor?

No, the problem it's not in my health, it's in my heart, I'm in love with Emily.

Maria: I'm in love with her too, she sits beside you for six days without stopping, and she was so worried about you. She is better than Bella.

How did you know about Bella?

Maria: you had dreams about her few nights ago.

I agree with you Emily is better than her.

Maria: so tell her about your feelings.

That's what I did so many times, but she doesn't want a man in her life.

Maria: spending time with her will change her mind.

I don't think so because she is leaving to another state so we can't meet again.

Maria: you should fight to have her, follow her to that state and be close to her, show her that you are a good man.

First of she didn't tell me the name of the state, and she is not planning to tell me in the future the second thing I can't follow her with my condition.

Maria: Is she coming back today?

Yes, she went to buy a chess board, she wants to spend the rest of the day with me.

Maria: I'm going to talk to her and if she still refuses to give you a chance I'm going to shove that chess board up her ass.

No need to that grandma, but thank you.

Maria: don't tell her that you told me about your feelings, let's act like I have no Idea.

And why is that?

Maria: Because I'm going to follow her to that state and gather information about her, like where she is staying the company she works at and things like that.

You are genius grandma this is a brilliant idea.

Maria: don't mention it, be quiet I'm hearing her voice talking to the nurses.

Okay, you are the best (in a low voice)

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