Chapter Thirteen

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Emily's POV.

Next morning I go to the hospital to check on Jamie, he is still unconscious so I go to a kind nurse that I met yesterday, her name is Sandy she is very friendly.

Good morning Sandy, how's everything?

Sandy: I'm doing great Emily, what are you doing here, you have work to be at right?

No I don't, because I quit yesterday.

Sandy: really? Why?

A miss understanding with my boss, how's Jamie?

Sandy: Doctors were talking about him in the rest area this morning, they said he is improving and he will be better in few days.

Is anyone with him now?

Sandy: yes his grandmother she's with him since yesterday, I think her name is Maria.

Yes, I know, I met her yesterday, I'm going to greet her.

Sandy: listen Emily if you need a job my brother is a general manager in a big company and he is looking for an assistant if you are interested.

Yes! I am very interested Sandy! you are the best!

Sandy: Great! now go see Jamie and I will send you his phone number to call him, and I'm going to tell him about you.

Can I hug you Sandy, you really made my day, you are amazing.

I go to Jamie's room holding two cups of coffee for me and his grandmother.

Good morning Maria.

Maria: Hello Emily.

"I hand her the coffee" Maria: Thanks I really need it.

Sandy told me about Jamie's situation, doctors said that his condition is stable now and he is going to get better in few days.

Maria: I hope so, listen Emily, I have a question, do you know Bella?

No, I don't, why?

Maria: yesterday he was dreaming about her that he is in love with her and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and few other things I can't remember.

Maybe she's a girlfriend or something.

Maria: I don't think so because if she is his girlfriend she should be here at the moment waiting him to wake up, am I right?

Yeah you're right, but maybe she doesn't know about the accident.

Maria: so that's why we should tell her, could you please find her contact on Jamie's phone.

Sure (I put my phone on the silent mode) so she doesn't know my phone is Bella's phone, and I call Bella on Jamie's phone.

She is not answering.

Maria: really, give me the phone I'm going to try again.

I give her the phone, she tries few times but no one is answering.

Maria: she is not answering maybe she is busy or something, any way tell me about you and Jamie.

I met him a week ago in one of his clubs so he introduced him self to me and since then we hang out together, he likes being in my place, he comes there, sometimes he bakes pizza for us and he makes it so delicious.

Maria: I taught him how to bake pizza.

Really! you taught him well!

Maria: I raised him since he was a kid, he is my baby.

He is so lucky to have you in his life.

Maria: same to you Emily, you are a good friend, friends nowadays don't spend their time at hospital like what you are doing now. You should be his girlfriend not that Bella.

Maybe she is a nice person, when he gets better ask him about her and meet her, you will change your mind for sure.

Maria: I'm not sure about that but I will give her a chance.

I'm sure that she will appreciate that, I'm going to chat with Sandy, see you in a bit.

Maria: take your time darling.

I go to chat with Sandy because I don't want to answer more questions about Jamie and me.

Hey Sandy, did you tell your brother about me.

Sandy: Yes I did he is waiting your call, there's a quiet area in the third floor, it's empty most of the time, if there's no one inside go in there and give him a call, and I'm sure he will be happy to hire you. Wish you the best.

Many thanks sandy, I really appreciate that, I'm going to call him now, I'll tell you how it goes.

I'm in the room at the moment by myself dialing Sandy's brother.

Good morning sir, I'm Emily a friend of Sandy.

Sandy's brother: Hey Emily nice to hear from you.

Thank you sir.

No need to call me sir Alexander would be enough.

Did Sandy tell you about me?

Alexander: yes she did , she told me that you are a good assistant and she recommended you, how about we meet in person?

That would be great! if you want we can meet in your company.

Alexander: perfect, I'm sending you the location, when you receive it send me what time do you want to meet.

I appreciate that, hope to see you soon.

After receiving the address I get shocked, his company is in another state, what should I do.

I can't leave this state without telling the truth to Jamie about my name, it's not fair. So I send a message to Alexander to inform him that I need five days to meet him and I give him some fake excuses.He was so nice and agreed.

I go to the ground floor to thank Sandy again then back to Jamie's room.

Hey Maria.

Maria: hey darling.

I have something to tell you about

Maria: I'm listening.

I got a job in another state.

Maria: congratulations, finally some good news, I have not heard any since a while.

I told them that I need five days to move because I'm waiting Jamie to wake up,

Maria: he will Emily, I believe in him so don't worry he will make it on time and you will get the job.

Maria: when you meet the owner of the company let me call him, I'm a major partner in most companies, and others wish to have me as a partner, when I ask him to take care of you he will. I will back you up darling.

I really appreciate that Maria, you are so kind.

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