Chapter Twenty Four

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Emily's POV.

"It's eight in the evening and I didn't go out of my room because I don't want to see William and While I'm drown in my thoughts someone is knocking on my room's door"

Come in.

The butler: Good evening miss Emily, I am Sabrina, the butler in this house, Mister William wants to see you in the living room and I'm here to lead you there.

Tell mister William that I don't want to see him and I'm not leaving my room.

Sabrina: he said that if you are not going to meet him in the living room he will sleep in your bed this night.

Oh my God, what is. Wrong with this guy, I'm coming then, show me where is the fucking living room.

"I went with Sabrina to meet William"

What do you want William?!

William: I just want to have a conversation with you, let's watch a movie Emily.

I have work to do tomorrow, I just want to go sleep.

William: Tomorrow is Saturday, so please join me.

Ugh, okay, I guess that I have no choice.

William: Thanks, what do you want to watch?

Something funny.

William: Okays, how about Friends?

This is a good idea.

"We watched season eight of friends that night and I went to sleep, next morning Sabrina told me that breakfast is ready so I went downstairs and before entering the living room I heard William talking on the phone with someone and he was telling this person that he couldn't sleep last night because of the happiness he has because I agreed to stay with him, I cleared my voice before entering the room and he end the call directly"

Good morning William.

William: it is for sure, how was your night?

It was nice, I miss Maia, can I go to visit her?

William: off course you can, there's a car with a driver outside to take you wherever you want.

Thanks but I can take a taxi.

William: This is not request Emily, this is an order.

Okay dictator.

William: I'm not dictator, I'm doing this for your interest Emily.

How is that, by treating me as slave?

William: No, by leading you to the right way.

Anyway, I'm leaving after breakfast if you don't mind.

William: I don't mind at all.

"In the middle of the day, Maia and I are chatting in a café near to William's house"

Maia: so how was your night with that monster?

It was good, I thought that he is going to harm me or something because I left his company, but he didn't do anything.

Maia: tell me when he harm you, I'm going to shove the contract that you signed up his ass.

Let's not talk about him, how was your night with Alexander?

Maia: he got drunk last night because what he did to you by giving you away to William.

I don't blame him, what he did was silly by giving me away just to gain some money.

The Boss Everyone Wants Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora