The Spider Egg

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Hey y'all! As you can see, this book is not dead as a doornail Xp. I started writing this on Easter, got to about 700 words before I fell asleep. Nearly finished it last night and then I accidentally went to sleep. -_- kinda salty about that. But I finished it and I hope you like it! I should be updating Tiny Genius today or tomorrow as well, but don't quote me on it.

A small girl with brunette hair and bright brown eyes crept down the stairs from her bedroom, hair pulled back in a bun and clad in the special Easter pajamas her mother had bought her for the special day. Thirteen little duckies hatched from the eggs on her cotton pants and fourteen bunny rabbits danced on her buttoned shirt - she and her dad counted them. This little girl's name was Morgan Stark, and she was just as determined and bright as her father, only this time her ambitions weren't set on dismantling the toaster before her mother noticed. No, she was going to catch the Easter bunny in action. The four year old had already figured out that her bunny, Blue, was not the Easter because she had a camera on him all night and a quick replay proved that all he did was sleep, eat, and sniff.

She imitated the bunny she was chasing as she hopped over the last step lightly. It creaked sometimes and when she stepped on it, so she was usually found by one or both of her parents when she snuck around the house in the dead of night. Standing on her tip toes, she moved quietly across the warm hardwood floor, feeling the vibrations of the constantly running electricity and equipment in the lab below, a place she wasn't allowed to go if her dad wasn't in there. It was a bad rule to her, but she understood why it was that way even if all she wanted was to play with Dum-E or get something she left. The lab could be a dangerous place, but her dad made it look like a fun house sometimes.

Morgan imagined that the Easter bunny was like the one in the Rise of the Guardians movie, with boomerangs and an Australian accent, but also had a bag full of eggs on his back. She wondered if he might accidentally give her an exploding egg, or if she might see an egg walking around because its legs forgot to disappear. She giggled to herself, pressing her hand over her mouth immeadiately after and glancing back up the stairs. No lights came on and she considered herself safe.

A rustling sound from the livingroom caught her attention and she felt her face lit up, her heart speeding up with the rush of excitement. The sun was just coming up, casting a dim light through the curtains and over the room - the perfect cover as she could hide within the shadows, but also see what she was doing. The shuffling continued, and then faded as light steps moved toward the kitchen. She had imagined the sound would be louder as bunny's usually hopped, but the Bunnies from the movies did sometimes walk. Morgan supposed that since no one had ever really seen the Easter bunny, there wasn't a way to know for sure. But she would catch him in action.

She creeped across the floor, dropping to her hands and knees when she reached the couch. She moved around it slowly, a small grin on her face as she slowly moved her head up over the arm of the sofa. So fixated with her excitement, she didn't know there was a familiar person behind her until gentle hands were scooping her up. She let out a little squeal, turning to see her dad. Her grin quickly turned sheepish. "Hi, Daddy," Morgan said as she looked at his raised eyebrow and slight smile to gauge.

"Hey Morguna," he said, shifting her slightly in his arms so she was settled against his side. "Were you sneaking around here, little miss?" She glanced down, tilting her head to the side and letting her hair fall over her eyes before nodding. "Can I ask you why?" He asked, amusement shining in his eyes that were identical to hers.

Her head shot up as a smile formed on her face again, excitement bubbling in her as she spoke, "I was looking for the Easter bunny! He was supposed to come today."  She tried to look around her father at the couch where a basket of goodies usually sat on Easter morning, but he moved his head and body where she couldn't see. "Daddy!" She tried to pout, but a smile was still playing on her lips. Morgan was then struck with a question. "Did you see the Easter bunny, Daddy?" She asked, tilting her head to the side the way she had seen her father and mother do.

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