A Day in the Stark Family - Edition 1

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The reason I call this edition 1 is because I plan to possibly do more of these. This one has pepperony and Peter in it. Maybe the next one will be pepperony with Peter and Harley?

Peter woke up slowly, blinking at the rays of bright sunlight hitting his face and splashing his Star Wars bedspread. Groggily, he brought both hands up to rub at his eyes while burying himself deeper under the blankets. Did he have to get up yet?

He glanced at the clock. 8:17 a.m. He didn't usually wake up this early, maybe he could squeeze in another hour or two of sleep....

"Master Stark, Boss is requesting you for breakfast." Friday's voice came thought her room, making Peter grown in annoyance.

"Can I just have a couple more minutes, Fri?" He asked (read: pleaded) her. He rubbed at his eyes before pressing his face into one of the overly stuffed pillows. "And stop calling me Master Stark, please."

"I'm sorry, I can not do that, Master Stark," Peter groaned. "Also, Boss says you need to get to the kitchen in ten minutes or he will drag you out of the bed by your foot."

"But it's so earlyyy," he whined, drawing out the word. It was Saturday and after a week of school, he was ready to just chill. His adoptive dad, Tony Stark, was a lot of fun but sometimes Peter just wanted to sleep until noon.

He still could hardly believe it sometimes. May had been offered a job in Europe that would bring about amazing opportunities for her, but had nearly turned it down because that would mean Peter being alone. While the teen thought he could take care of himself, he had to admit it would have been a little lonely.

Peter had told Tony about the job offer, as he didn't know what to do. At that point, the older genius had gone from Mr. Stark to Tony, with a few close calls of Peter calling him 'Dad.' He didn't know if Tony wanted to be his father figure, so he had kept the longing for that to himself until May, Tony, and Pepper had sat him down on the couch.

It was also the same night he called Tony 'Dad' intentionally and Pepper 'Mom.' He knew they didn't replace his old parents or were trying to. The titles for the power couple had been on the edge of his tongue for so long and it felt amazing to actually say them.

They had all cried with joy that night, even if Peter or Dad wouldn't admit it. 

He still remembered the day clearly, but there was no more time to reminisce when he could smell pancakes. The amazing aroma was coming from the kitchen and he almost bit the air. The smell was so thick he thought he might be able to taste it.

The fifteen year old rubbed at his eyes once more and pushed the cover away. He shivered a little as he lost the encompassing warmth of the blankets, but it was a small price to pay for pancakes.

Dad made the best pancakes in the entire world. He may sound like a child for thinking that, but it was true. There were a select few things his dad could cook without burning the kitchen down, and that was one of them. He could make excellent pancakes, but could char an egg to bits.

He couldn't make jokes about it though, as he himself was the same way.

Peter ran both of his hands through his hair in a futile attempt to smooth the tangled and messy locks of brown hair. All he managed to do was spike it up. He sighed and dropped his hands from his hair.

Still wearing his Thor themed pajamas, he made his way to the kitchen and was greeted with the sight of Dad serving up four pancakes onto a plate in front of Peter's chair at the table. He was still wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, stained with oil that had not been there when they went to bed last night.

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