The History Test

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"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter said as he walked into the lab. He didn't sound as energetic as usual, more dejected and stressed than anything.

Tony turned from the project he was working on. The kid was slumped, backpack hanging loosely from one hand. His brown hair fell over his eyes.

"Hey there kiddo, something wrong?"

"Nothing, Mr. Stark."

Tony wanted to press. He really did. But he knew Peter would just shy away from him and get defensive. He learned that the best way to get Peter to talk to him was to let him come to him first.

The sophomore dropped took out a fairly large textbook from his backpack, letting everything else drop into the corner once he had it.

He then made his way over to Tony, settling in the free space on the bench beside the inventor. Peter placed the book onto the table and opened it with a sigh, leaning his head onto his elbow as he flipped through it.

As Tony worked, he stole glances at the book. He caught words like "Galileo" and "Heliocentric theory" and "John Locke".

History then.

After a few more minutes, Tony looked over and asked casually, "what do you got there, Pete?"

Peter heaved a sigh and said, "My history textbook."

A few more minutes of silence. Tony turned a gear on the divice he was working on, though it was more tinkering than anything.

"I have a history test tomorrow," Peter finally said, sounding very tired.

"Do you like history?"

"No way. Never. Nope. Nu-uh."

"Why's that?" Tony asked curiously.

"It's all facts and straightforward answers. Memorization. With science and math you have formulas that you can use to make something bigger. History is just.... ugh."

The brown haired teen slammed his head down on the book. Tony didn't think as he ran a hand through Peter's hair, device forgotten as he focused all his attention completely on him.

"Why are you so stressed about this kiddo?"

Peter sighed and slowly raised his head. Tony let his hand drop to the kid's shoulder.

"I made an F on my last test. A big one. My grade is a C, but he's letting me retake it."

"Is there a reason you got a F? Besides that you don't like history."

Peter sighed again. "I forgot about it. With patrolling and all my other class tests, I didn't study for it."

"Well then, I think I know what we'll be doing today," Tony said, standing up. Peter looked at him confused as he started to walk toward the elevator. The inventor beckoned him to follow and he heard Peter pick up his book, feet hitting the floor as he caught up.

"What are we doing Mr. Stark?" The kid asked as they stepped into the elevator. He had his backpack tossed over his shoulder, too.

"We're going to the livingroom. I'm going to make us a snack and then we are going to study for that history test."

Peter's wide brown eyes blinked up at him. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course, kiddo," Tony said ad the elevator came up to the penthouse floor. He ruffled Peter's hair and recieved a laugh out of Peter as the kid batted his hand away lightly, smoothing out his hair as best he could.

Quickly, Tony made his way into the kitchen. After washing his hands, he cut him and Peter up apples, oranges, and celery. He put two handfuls of grapes on the three plates before he was satisfied.

Taking the first two into the livingroom, he saw Peter had set up his textbook, notes, and flashcards on the coffee table.

"Good, kid," he said as he went back and got the third plate. At Peter's look, he said, "can never be too healthy."

"Says the man who lives on coffee and granola bars," Peter responded with a grin as he popped a grape into his mouth. Tony grumbled.

They spent the next hours studying. When Peter had to leave for curfew, Tony knew he had it down pat.

"You'll do amazing, kid," he said, pulling him into a quick hug.

"Do you really think so? I struggled a but on one fact-"

"But you kept going until you got it right. Review the hard ones in the morning. You have this down, kid. I believe in you."

Peter left with a smile on his face.


He made an A, just like Tony knew he would.

(I'm sorry I haven't updated this in so long! I've been wrapped up in my other stories. I hope you enjoyed this one!)

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