Chapter 7

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~Chan's pov~

I walk into my girlfriend's house and greet her parents before sighing and walking up to her room.
"Heejin?" I call out as I knock on her door, but to no avail. And thats when an idea pops in my head.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" I sing as I knock on her door. I hear a faint giggle from inside her room and I take that as my cue to walk inside. I open the door and all the lights were off and she was facing away from the door. 
"Hey Jin, are you okay?" I sit on the edge of her bad and put my hand on her leg but she just kicks it off. 
"I feel like I should be asking you that." She says with a dry laugh. I look away from her, with guilt stirring up my stomach. 
"I know I haven't been hanging out with you as often, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more considerate-" 
"Do you really think that it's really just that!?" She shouts as she sits up from her bed.
"We barely hang out outside of class, you barely call or text me anymore, I can't even remember the last time you looked me in the eyes and said you loved me!" I can feel her glaring holes into my head but I don't have the courage to meet her. 
"So tell me what is it? Do you wanna break up?"
"No heejin, I don't. You know I love you!" I say as I stand up and look at her straight in the eyes. 
"Well it doesn't really feel like it." As those words leave her it felt like my heart been pierced. 
"I... I think we should take a break." I look up at her and she looks away and pulls her knees to her chest. 
"Heejin... please.." I say as tears start falling from my eyes. 
"Just go." 
"JUST GO!" She shouts and I wipe my eyes before leaving the house.
“I need a drink…” I say to myself as I pull into the nearest bar.


It was almost 12 o’ clock at night and Chan was walking, or more like swaying. He was walking down the street with a bottle of alcohol taking sips of it as he sang a song he didn’t know the lyrics too.
“Brutus I can’t believe your making me take you outside in the cold! You couldn’t have peed earlier!” Chihoon complains as he rubs his arms trying to get warm and Brutus sniffs around for a spot to use the bathroom.
Once Brutus had done his business the two started walking back to the shop when Brutus ears perk up. He starts looking around causing his owner to look at him with confusion.
“Brutus? Do you hear something boy?” Chihoon asks and he starts looking around as well and takes out his pepper spray from his back pocket, and that’s when he hears it… the really bad singing.
He giggles. “I think we recognize that voice, don’t we?” He asks Brutus getting a bark in return. They start following the voice and Chihoon is met with a sight that makes him frown. Chan walking down the street wit his clothes and hair disheveled, and a bottle of alcohol in one hand.  
“Noona neomu yeppo~~” He can’t help but giggle as he hears the younger singing and walks over to him.
“Chan?” He calls out carefully and the younger looks at him and a huge smile paints his face.
“Chihoon!” He yells and skips over to the older.
“What are you doing out here?” Chihoon asks.
“I was-s at the... the... BAR!!” He giggles as he finally remembers.
The younger’s demeanor changed completely at that. “Heejin... broke u-up with meee.” He fake cries and takes another sip of his alcohol.
The older frowns at that. “Oh, well how about we give the alcohol a break and go eat some ramen at my place yeah?” He says as he carefully tries to take the bottle from the younger.
“Is that your way of telling me you want me to come over?” Chan says with a smug face, making the older flush red.
“You naughty naughty!” Chan says as he clicks his tounge with a laugh and Chihoon face palms.
“Come on I’m taking you home with me.” Chihoon says as he grabs the blonde’s hand and starts walking back to the shop.
Chan takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around the older as he lays his head on his shoulder.  “Wha-what are you doing?” Chihoon asks as his face turns bright red.
“Cuddling you! You’re so smol!!” He says as he rubs his face into the older’s neck.
“Chihoon he’s drunk, remember that.” The older thinks to himself as he continues his way back to the shop.
“Did anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?” Chan says.
“Hee, hee... Chihoon neumo yeppo~~” He sings and the older laughs but also screams on the inside.
“Okay, we’re here get off of me.” Chihoon says as he wiggles out of Chan’s embrace making the taller pout. He unlocks the door and takes Brutus's collar off before pushing Chan inside.
“Go ahead and go upstairs, I’m going to lock up.” Chan nods and... solutes? Before walking up the stairs follow by brutus while the older just shakes his head with a small smile.
“Okay, I’m gonna get started with the ramen-” The older was cut off as Chan corners him and looks deep into his eyes.
“Ramen sounds good, but you look better.” Chan says as he looks deep into the Chihoon’s eyes. The older’s face flushed as he tries to escape the younger’s hold.
“C-chan y-you're drunk.” The older says.
“They say a drunk man’s words, are a sober man’s thoughts... Do you think that’s true?” Chan asks before connecting their lips. Chihoon freezes as their lips meet but ultimately melts into it as he wraps his arms around the youngers neck.
Chan bites the older's lip softly and Chihoon opens his mouth giving access to the younger as their tounges wrestle. The older starts to come back to his senses as he tastes the alcohol on Chan’s breathe and pulls away but the younger just reconnects them as he wraps his arms around Chihoon’s waist.
They both finally pull away, breathing heavily as they stared deep into each other’s eyes.
“I-I think I lo-” The younger wasn’t able to finish his sentence as he threw up.


Chan’s eyes flutter open softly as he sits up from the bed and grabs his head that’s throbbing in pain. He stands up and runs to the bathroom where he proceeds to throw up. He sit by the toilet with a sigh and look around, realizing that he doesn’t recognize where he is. He stands up quickly and look around in the bedroom. And that’s when he remembers everything that happened last night. “Fuck... I fucking kissed him.” Chan whispers to himself as he starts to panic.
“Wait... where is he?” He asks himself as he walks out of the bedroom and that’s when he sees the older curled up on the coach with Brutus laying on top of him. He chuckles and grabs his phone that’s on the coffee table only to find it dead.
He sighs and grabs his jacket to try and walk out of the unit quietly to not wake the older. “I’ll just text him when I get home.” He thinks to himself as he grabs his coat and is about to head out the door.
“Oh you’re awake?” He hears Chihoon call from behind him and he mentally curses.
“Yeah, I was about to head out. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s okay, sit down I’ll make you some coffee.” He says and Chan sighs but takes a seat on the couch awkwardly.
Chihoon walks out from the kitchen and hands Chan a cup of coffee and takes a seat on the couch with his own. They sat there in silence for a moment as they sip their coffee’s and that’s when Chan finally had the courage to say something.
“I want to talk to you about last night.” Chan says as he sets his cup of coffee on the table.
“I’m so sorry, you didn’t have to take care of me, and I’m very grateful for everything you’ve done for me. And I kissed you without your consent, If I could take it back I wou-”
“It’s okay Channie... I-I liked- it.” Chihoon says as he buries his head into his hands hiding his flushed face.
“Y-you did?” Chan says as a wide smile spreads across his face. The older just nods, never taking his head from his hands.
“Well... I did too.” Chihoon looks up from his hands and returns the youngers smile.
“Really?” Chan nods.
“Really.” The younger says and they start moving towards each other but before their lips can touch Chihoon pulls back.
“Wait... I don’t want this to be out on a whim. You need to talk to Heejin, you can’t leave her hanging like that.” The younger nods.
“Okay I promise, I’ll talk everything out with her.” That makes the older smile and plant a short kiss on the taller’s lips.
“Come on, I want more than that.” Chan says with a pout making the older giggle.
“Fine.” He says as he climbs into the younger’s lap and Chan wraps his arms around his waist.
“I think it’s too early to say the L word... so I’ll just say I really really really like you.” Chan says as he looks up into the older’s eyes.
“Then I really really really like you too.” Chihoon says making them both chuckle before they softly connect their lips once again.


a/n : sorry for the inconsistent posting, school has been a pain in the ass, but im about to go on summer break so expect more updates soon !!


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