Chapter 14

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TW // abuse

"I'm ready to tell you about my past..." Chihoon says and Chan gulps before nodding.

"Okay, take your time." Chan says and Chihoon nods before taking a deep breath.

"My childhood wasn't bad, as you know I grew up in a small town with Sungmin and Jeyou. And it was in high school when I met him..."

"Juyeon..." He says and Chan feels his heart sink as he wraps hes arms around Chihoon's waist.

"I thought he was the one for me." Chihoon says with a dry chuckle.

"We were high school sweethearts. Everyone thought we were gonna make it... Fuck, we even got engaged!" Chihoon says in disbelief as he grips one of the pillows on the couch.

"But I noticed something, even when we were only dating. He was really... possessive. Not even just with me, with everything of his. Strange. But I could handle that." He says as turns his neck to the side.

"Then he... he got really violent about it. We moved in together, and he hated when I touched anything that was 'his' he was so violent with Brutus. He was only a puppy... My parents got him for me because my anxiety had gotten really bad, he was the only thing that made me feel... good. And I feel the guilt everyday whenever I look at him." Chihoon sniffles as he wipes his tears away.

"The first two months were okay, I was blinded by love. But he started going out with his friends, drinking, he got fired from his job. I was the only one bringing money into our apartment and I was starting to get more irritated. I called him out and told him he needed to get a job and..." Chihoon hesitates as he starts to dig his nails into his hand.

"He slapped me, right across the face. And I froze as I hit the floor. He froze as well... we sat there in silence before he smashed the liquor bottle on the floor next to me and walked off, slamming the door to our room shut." Chihoon takes in a shaky breathe before continuing.

"From that point on, he was never the same. And over time he was getting more and more violent. One day he threw a bottle at me and it shattered and cut my stomach open..." He says as he places a hand on his stomach and winces at the memory.

"I called 911 and I got taken away in an ambulance and the worst part about it, he acted completely fine. He played the part of a concerned fiance perfectly. My heart broke into pieces as he told the doctors that I was just a clumsy house 'husband', he never once apologized to me. And after I got discharged it only got worse. Until one day he said he was tired of beating me, and so he just got up and left. Took all of his belongings and left." Chihoon says as he looks at the floor, as the suppressed memories were all coming back.

"And that's when I broke down, Sungmin found me in on my kitchen floor, with an empty pill bottle." Chihoon says as the tears fall from his eyes as Chan let's his fall as well.

"They took me to the hospital and that's where I confessed to everything. I didn't get the police involved because I was done with everything. I was tired. So I worked my ass off for a year and half and made enough money that I was able to buy this place." Chihoon says with a content smile as he looks around his home.

"But now he's back, and I'm terrified. He told me he was gonna take me back home. I don't want to go back. Please don't let him take me back." Chihoon says as he cradles the wrist that Juyeon had grabbed him by and starts sobbing as Chan pulls him into his hold.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I should have never taken you there."

"No it's okay you didn't know..." Chihoon says as he cries into Chan's shoulder. The younger wraps his arms around Chihoon as they sit there in silence. Only needing each other's presence in the moment.

"I love you, so much... okay? I want you to know that I will never let anything bad happen to you. For as long as I live I'll always be here for you." Chan says and Chihoon's lip quivers at his words as he wraps his arms around the younger's waist, cuddling him as much as possible.

"I love you too..." Chihoon says and they connect their lips softly, happy to be in each other's arms.

"Can we just stay like this?" Chihoon asks as he snuggles into Chan's chest making the younger smile.

"Of course, we can stay here as long as you like." Chan says as he tightens his hold around the older's waist. The two sat there just enjoying each other's presence and not wanting to let go. Soon Chan hears soft snores coming from the older making him smile.

"I promise I'll protect you, I'll stay by your side no matter what." Chan says as he places a soft kiss to the top of Chihoon's head before getting comfortable and letting his eyelids shut softly.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Younghoon asks as he pats Juyeon's back who acted really upset.

"I don't know, but why did he act like that?" Juyeon sighs as he takes a seat on the couch, everyone pitying him, everyone except one person.

"I know, it's almost like he recognized you..." Jaeyun says and everyone looks at him as Juyeon freezes.

"Jaeyun... what are you trying to say?" Donggeon asks hesitantly.

"I mean, he didn't act like that with any of us, so what makes Juyeon so different?" Jaeyun says as he walks up to Juyeon.

"Who the fuck are you, Lee Juyeon?" Jaeyun asks and Juyeon burst into tears.

"I d-don't know what you're insinuating! I-"

"Enough!" Younghoon shouts as he steps in between Jaeyun and his cousin, glaring at Jaeyun.

"Stop, Juyeon hasn't done anything wrong." Youghoon says and Juyeon smirks at Jaeyun as he hides behind his cousins back.

"Fine, but watch yourself. You don't know people as well as you think you do." Jaeyun says as he glares at Juyeon before stomping out of the house with Jisu chasing after him.

"Well... I think that's enough drama for tonight, how about we call it a night." Donggeon says and everyone agrees as they walk out.

"Juyeon, I need you to be honest with me. Do you know Chihoon?" Younghoon asks as he pulls out of the driveway.

"What? No-"

"Be. Honest." Younghoon says sternly and Juyeon sighs.

"Fine, we dated in high school, that's it." Juyeon says and Younghoon scoffs.

"Really? That's it?"

"What? He was a crazy bitch! Of course I wouldn't want to talk to him!" Juyeon shouts and Younghoon glares at him.

"Look! I will defend you with anything, but you gotta tell me the goddamn fucking truth!" Younghoon shouts back.

"I'm telling you the truth! I promise." Juyeon says and Younghoon gives him a quick glance before nodding.

"Fine, I believe you. But if I find out there's something more about this, I'm calling aunt and you're going back." Younghoon says and Juyeon's eyes go wide.

"You're gonna send me back to the fucking looney bin?! I'm better now! I promise!" Juyeon pleads and Younghoon nods his head.

"I already told you I believe you! But it still stands." Younghoon says and Juyeon nods.

"Fine." Juyeon says as he turns around and plugs in his headphones.

"It's getting interesting..." Juyeon thinks to himself as he clenches his fist.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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