Chapter 5

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~Chan's pov~ 

I just can't seem to get chihoon out of my head. He's all I can think about throughout the day. I can't focus in class, during practice, I can't even get any sleep for crying out loud! But part of me likes the feeling of it all. The butterflies I get when I hang out with him. Those big doe eyes that I could stare into for hours, his soft voice that always seems to calm me down.

Am I....

falling for him?

"Hey is something wrong?" My friend jisu asks. "You've been spacing out a lot recently, and you've just been sitting here picking at your food." I look down at my tray and notice I haven't had a single bite of my food.

"Is something wrong? Is something happening with heejin? You know you can tell us anything." My other friend Jaeyun says as he looks at me with concern written on his face.

I sigh as I finally take a bite of my food. "I don't know anymore." I look at them up at them before I sigh again.

"It's just... I met this guy.."

"WHAT! WHEN WHO HOW?!" I glare at jisu for being too loud and he gives me a cheeky smile.

"Anyways, but really? Who?" Jaeyun asks.

"Well, I don't know if you've heard of it but it's the owner of this flower shop called midnight blue." I smile as I think about the older and look up at my friends who are staring at me wide eyed.

"You have a crush on THE Choi Chihoon?"

"I never said I had a crush." They roll their eyes at me before I continue. "But you know him?"

"Dude literally everybody knows him! He's practically a local celebrity! Have you not seen his instagram?" I shake my head no shocked at what I was finding out. Jaeyun shows me his phone and my eyes go wide as I see that he as over 20k followers.

"Dude you're literally living under a rock." I glare at Jisu before I continue scrolling through his profile. It's all pictures of plants and some of him and his friends.

"Dude I hear stories all the time about him! Guys and girls are always trying to ask him out be he always declines! I remember I went with my friend hyunjin one time because he wanted to try it out for himself but he obviously failed, and he was so nice about it! It was kinda scary how good he is at it though." Jisu says as takes a sip of his drink.

"My my chanhyuk! Looks like you might have a chance." Jaeyun says to me while raising is eyebrows suggestively.

I scoff. "I think you forgot I have a girlfriend?"

"No I think YOU forgot you have a girlfriend." Jaeyun says with a smug face while Jisu starts laughing.

"Ha ha not funny didn't laugh." I say with a scowl that makes them laugh even more. I go back to thinking about the older and I can't help it but my heart does kind of ache when thinking about Chihoon being with another guy. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way especially since I have heejin, but... I don't know anymore.

"Hey guys I just remembered I have to go something talk to y'all later." I said as I get up from the table and walk out.

"You think he's going to go see Chihoon?"

"For sure."


I was walking down the street with two cups of coffee in my hands heading over to chihoon's shop. I'm not going there because I'm jealous or anything... I just so happened to buy two cups of coffee on accident and didn't know who else to give it too. Yeah, that's it.

As I near his shop I look through the glass and see chihoon and another man inside. I wait outside for a bit just watching them talk. Even though I don't want to I decide to walk away and give them some privacy been that's when I hear Brutus bark, but it didn't seem like a normal one. It was loud and aggressive different from his usual gentle demeanor. I walk back to the front of the shop and see the guy pining chihoon to the wall. Okay I'm gonna go in now.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The guy turns around and I see Chihoon's face relax as he sees me.

"And who are you?" The guy asks turning back to me while holding chihoon's waist. My blood boils as I watch as chihoon's face turns horrified once again.

"I'm his boyfriend." I freeze at what just slipped from my mouth and I can see chihoon get stiff too. Fuck.

The guy sighs and looks between me and chihoon. "You could have said you had a boyfriend." He sighs before he drops his arm from his side and walks out, but not before saying something along the lines of 'Call me if things don't work out.'

"You didn't have to do that." Chihoon says as he walks over to me. 

"Well I did, and I also brought you some coffee." I say with a small smile and hand it over to him. He drops his head down shyly but takes it from my hand which makes me smile.

"T-thank you, for everything." He says still looking down. 

"Of course, just be more careful. And if someone tries to put themselves on you, Cho Chanhyuk is your boyfriend." I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulder. He blushes a crimson red and looks away as I smile in victory. 

"S-shut up! D-don't y-you have class?" I laugh as he pushed me away.

"I do, but don't worry I'll come back later!" I hear him groan as I walk out of the shop and I can't help but laugh.

Cho Chanyuk what have you gotten yourself into?  I think to myself as I walk back to the university. Maybe I should-


I stop as I hear a click and look around to see if there's anybody there. I didn't see anything so I continued to walk but soon after I heard another one.


Who the fuck is taking pictures of me? I cover my face as best I could as I finally arrive on campus.

Something tells me this is going to end badly.

And I was right.


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