Chapter 4

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*3rd person pov*

The seven of them (including the dogs) were walking down the streets of seoul, heading towards the park. Once they arrived, they began to walk around for a bit and played with the dogs.

They were standing in a circle while they throw a ball to each other as the dogs run around the middle trying to snatch it. They were all having a good time when chan gets a notification from his phone.


Babe where are you? Let's go get some food :)

Chan freezes as he reads the text, he forgot all about heejin.

"Chan watch out!" Just as chan looks up he's hit in the face with the ball. He grabs his head in pain as the other three laugh their asses off.

"Channie.. are you okay?" Chihoon says while trying to contain his laughter unlike the other two who've fallen to the ground due to laughing. Even though he's in pain, his heart still  fluttered when the older used the nickname.

"Hey! I'm in pain quit laughing! what if I have a concussion!" Chan says only slightly serious. The older laughed as he moved Chan's hands from his forehead to see the wound.

"It's pretty red, it will most likely bruise but I think you'll be okay, you big baby." Chihoon teases as he pats chan's head.

"Oh yeah? we'll see who the big baby is." The taller says as he puts something into chihoon's palm. He looks up at the younger confused when all of a sudden all three dogs jump on top of him knocking him over.

"Bru..tus! get.. off... me!" Chihoon says as he struggles to push the dogs off of him. The dog ignores his owner and instead licks his face. While the three laugh while watching the older struggle.

"Damn they really do go crazy for these treats." Chan says as he looks at the pack of dog treats in his hand and back to the older who's unamused. Chan laughs as he reaches out a hand for the older to take. The said blonde rolls his eyes but takes his hand with a small smile. Once he's up on his feet he punches the taller in the arm and playful glares at him.

"Aw did I make grandpa chihoon mad? I  know just what he needs." and just as chan finishes his sentence he engulfs chihoon into a tight hug and sweeps him off his feet.

"Hey! put me down you big dumbo!" Chihoon says as he tries to pry himself off of the blonde but gradually melts into the hug and wraps his arms around his neck. They would have stayed like that longer if it weren't for the other two giving chihoon smug looks. Chihoon clears his throat as he separates himself from chan with a soft flush on his face. Chan wasn't ready to let go but reluctantly loosens his grip, already missing the warmth of the other.

"So what do y'all want to do now?" Chihoon asks the guys while putting brutus's leash back on trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh yeah! when y'all were having your little... moment... my mom called me and told me she needed me back at the house!" Sungmin says with a small smile.

"No she didn- ow!" Jeyou starts but was cut off when Sungmin stomped on his foot and gave him a glare.

"R-right! must have forgot!" Jeyou says with a forced smile making chihoon raise a brow.

"Yeah! so we better get going now! We'll see y'all!" Sungmin says as he grabs coco.

"Okay? well tell your mom I said hi! bring her next time will ya!" Chihoon says as he hugs the yougers and sends them off, they shake chan's hand and exchange some 'nice to meet you's' and with that they left.

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