Chapter 3

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~A week later~

*3rd pov*

Today was the day, the day the two blondes were going to hang out... for the dogs of course, but Chihoon can't help but get excited over it. It was getting cold as the leaves changed colors signaling that fall also known as Chihoon's favorite season has arrived.

He was watering some of the flowers when he hears the same old jingle of the bell. He turns his head to the door to see sungmin, jeyou, and of course little ole coco walking in. He gives them a big smile as he walk over to greet them.

"CHIHOON HYUNGGGG!" Jeyou yells as he engulfs him in a the older in a bone crushing hug that the older quickly returned.

"Jeyou-ah! its so good to see you!" The blonde says as ge pulls away from the hug after noticing that sungmin may or may not have gotten jealous. I quicky squat down on the floor to pick up coco whos wagging her tail.

(Jeyou's dog)

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(Jeyou's dog)

"It is! and oh my god your shop is so cute! it really suits you." Jeyou playfully winks which causes them to laugh and chihoon to roll his eyes and smack his arm.

"I'm not cute! I'm sexy." Chihoon says while putting his hands on his hips and struts a pose making the two laugh.

"Looks pretty sexy to me." A new voice says causing them all to freeze and look at the door.

" A new voice says causing them all to freeze and look at the door

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(chans outfit)

"O-oh, hey chan.. d-didn's see you there. ah ha haa.." Chihoon says as tries to hide his red cheeks.

Chan chuckles. "Its ok, it was cute." Everyone looks at chan wide eyed as he realizes what he said.

"I-I m-mean, um I..."

"WE GET IT! your gay move on." Jerome says with an eye roll earing a smack on the back of the head from jeyou.

"Um I'll h-have you know I have a-a girlfriend." Chan says while crossing his arms over his chest, still flustered from earlier.

"Wait.. REALLY?" Jerome says earning a smack from chihoon this time.

"Um yeah, she was supposed to come today but something came up." That was a lie. He didn't even tell her he was coming here.

"Oh that's too bad." Jerome fake pouts and was about to get smacked by the older again but he dodged it and stick his tounge out at him.

"Well I'm still in my work clothes so let me go change real quick." Chihoon says before walking upstairs, sungmin right behind him, leaving jeyou and chan by themselves in the shop.

"QUICK SUNGMIN WHAT DO I WEAR?!?" Chihoon shouts while rummaging through his closet. The taller rolls his eyes before walking into his closet and pulling out an outfit.

"Here, hurry up and put it on." Chihoon thanks him before going into his bathroom to change.

"How does it look?"

"Oh my god hyung, you look so cute! Now sit down so I can put some make up on you."

Chihoon sits down on his bed while the younger puts a light amount of makeup on his face.

"Done! Now come on!"

"Okay, okay let me get brutus." Chihoon says as he walks into his living room.

"Come on brutus! We're going out!" The dog hopes down from the couch and walks over to his owner. He places the leash on brutus and the three head downstairs. Once they get there they see the two talking as if they've known each other for years.

"Um what happened here?"

"Nothing really we just started talking about the sports we play and all that."

"Chihoon! why didn't you tell me that you were friends with the star of Seoul's baseball team! hello!?" Jeyou says as he points at chan who only laughs at the other.

"I- I.. um-" Chihoon starts but is quickly cut off by the dogs who ran to each other wagging their.

Brutus was really excited to see his new friend but quickly ran over to jeyou when he saw who he was holding.

"Brutus! Calm down!" Chihoon yells as he tries to pry his dog away from jeyou. coco and brutus had known each from their owners always hanging out, and since he hasn't seen her since they moved he was really excited.

"It's ok chihoon! I'll let her down." The brunette places coco on the ground and the two automatically ran to each other and started playing for a little before bud decided to join. While the other three were watching the dogs play, chan took the chance to admire the older, he was absolutely mesmerizing in chan's eyes. His fluffy blonde hair, small frame, big brown eyes, his pretty plump lips, he could stare at him for hours.

(Chihoon's outfit)

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(Chihoon's outfit)

Chan's stare may have gone unnoticed by chihoon, but it definitely didn't by his two best friends. They gave each other a knowing look before Sungmin finally said something.

"Well we should start heading over to the park! we've waited long enough."

That snapped chan back to reality and he looked at sungmin with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah we probably should, we don't want them getting into chihoon's flowers now would we?" Chan says with a teasing smile as chihoon softly punched him in the arm.

"Ha ha, very funny but yes let's go!" Chihoon says with a little bounce in his step as he walks out the door. Chan mumbles a soft "cute" to himself that he thought no one would here as he smiles and follows the shorter out the door.

"I bet you 20 bucks they'll be together by November." Jeyou whispers to Sungmin.

Sungmin gasps. "No, I bet you its Christmas." They share a smug look before shaking hands signaling their deal was set.


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