Chapter 12

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It had been two weeks since the incident and both of them had silently decided to ignore it for now. Chan knew that Chihoon wasn't ready to talk so he wasn't going to force him. In the meantime he was going to spoil the older and make him feel loved.

"Soooo my friends christmas party is coming up, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." Chan asks Chihoon making him think for a second.

"I don't know Chanhyuckie, I haven't even met any of your friends." Chihoon says with a small pout.

"That's why you should go! You can meet everyone on the team, and you can even bring Brutus! They all want to see him anyway." Chan says and Chihoon raises an eyebrow at him.

"You showed them my dog?"

"W-well I-" Chan starts but is interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Ha haaaa, I'll go take that." Chan says with an awkward smile that makes Chihoon raise his eyebrow even further as he smiles trying to hold back his laugh.



"You're gay."

Chan rolls his eyes as he hears the loud laughing come from the other side before putting his phone back to his ear.

"What do you want Donggeon?"

"I need you to pick up some stuff for the Christmas party."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because I told you too."

"You're lucky I'm nice."

"Your mom."

"I will literally kill you."

"Yeah yeah, I'll send you the list. K thanks byeeee." Chan hears before he sighs and turns to the older.

"I have to go get some things for the party, I'll be back later."

"You didn't answer my question about Brut-"

"No time! Okay love you byeeee!!" Chan says and gives the older a kiss on the cheek before running out of the shop as Chihoon just shakes his head with a small smile.

"So you're bringing him right?" Donggeon asks as he takes the items from Chan's hand and places them on his dining table. Chan sighs before throwing himself on the couch.

"I don't know, he's not very social, but I think he might be willing to go." Donggeon nods as he organizes everything.

"Who's all coming to this thing anyway?" Chan asks as he looks the older up and down. Wondering how he isn't freezing to death in his tank top and shorts.

"Everyone from the team obviously, and I think some of guys are gonna bring their s/o's too." Donggeon says and Chan nods.

"Doesn't sound too bad, I'll probably convince him and bring the dogs as well." Chan says and Donggeon squeals.

"I haven't seen bud in forever! And now there's another one? I'm so fucking excited bro." Donggeon says making Chan raise a brow at him.

"It seems like you like my dog more than me."

"I do." He says with a shrug and Chan gasps offendedly.

"Wow, I see how it is." Chan huffs and Donggeon just laughs. 

"Well I gotta get back to the shop, see you friday." Chan says as he waves the older goodbye and walks out of his friends house.

"I can't believe I actually convinced you to come."

"Only because I'm bringing the dogs." Chihoon says with a playful eye roll as they walk out of the car and to Donggeon's front door.

"It'll be fine!! They're all very chill, but don't be suprised if they come out with some random sexual or nonsexual questions." Chan says and the older nods before furrowing his brows.


"Hey guys welcome!" They're greeted before Chihoon could ask any more questions.

"Hey chan, and this must be Chihoon! Hi nice to meet you! I'm Donggeon." Donggeon says as he extends his hand for the older to take and Chihoon takes it with a small smile.

"Bud!" He shouts petting the dogs head as his tail wags excitedly.

"Come in, come in! We're still waiting on a few more people but mostly everyone is here." He says leading them to the living room where they're greeted by everyone. Brutus sensed that his owner was getting overwhelmed and started rubbing against Chihoon's leg making him smile as he pets his head.

"Have a seat anywhere you like." Donggeon says with a smile before walking into the kitchen.

They both take a seat on the couch and Chan wraps his arm around the older's waist.

"You okay?" Chan asks him quietly and Chihoon nods with a smile as Brutus lays his head on his lap, Bud laying next to him.

"Chan don't be rude! Introduces us!" Jisu shouts with a playful smile and Chan gives him a glare.

"Hi I'm Jisu! I've heard a lot about you from Chan." Jisu says as he extends his hand for the older to take and Chan flushes lightly at what the brunette had said.

"You have?" Chihoon asks teasingly as he takes the brunette's hand and shakes it softly while giving his boyfriend a smug smile.

"Oh my god he talks about you all the time! We can't even have a regular conversation with you being brought up at least once." Another teammate says and Chan flushes harder covering his face. 

Everyone seemed to be getting along and over time Chihoon was beginning to feel more comfortable, he was happy that Chan was having fun, and even the dogs. He laughed as Brutus would jump on the baseball players for a toy he wanted and everyone seemed to be in love with the big dog. Soon Chihoon's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

"Oh that must be younghoon! I'll get it."Donggeon says as he sits up from the floor and runs to the front door. 

Soon after he returns with two more people behind him. As Chihoon looks up he feels everything stop as his stomach sinks to his stomach. 

"Hi everyone sorry I'm late, but I brought my cousin." Younghoon says as he gives everyone a small smile. 

"Meet Juyeon!" 


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