Chapter 8

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~two weeks later~
The two had grown really close ever since that night and acted like an ‘old married couple’ in Sungmin’s words. Yet they still haven’t made anything official, although Chan is planning on changing that soon.

But as of now they’re just happy to be in each other’s company.

“Okay Chihoon I’m going to practice! I’ll be back soon.” Chan says as he puts on his jacket.

“Okay, I’ll see you later!” He says and Chan gives him a quick kiss before leaving the shop.


“Bro what happened to you and Heejin? You never told us.” Donggeon says as we sat on the bench, exhausted from practice.

“Yeah, and know there’s rumors about you dating a flower shop owner? What’s that all about?”

“Literally! I swore that you and Heejin were gonna be the ones to make it.”

I let out a sigh as I rub the nape of my neck. “It’s a long story, she wanted to take a break and honestly I started getting feelings for this other guy-”

“You’re gay?!”

“He’s pan you fucking idiot.” Jisu says as he rolls his eyes at Yunho.

“Wait- so are you dating this other kid?”

“Not yet, but I plan on doing it soon. Maybe y’all can meet him soon.”

“Oh my god yeah! Bring him to my Christmas party bro! Let’s see how perfect he is for you.” Donggeon teases and I push him away.

“I’ll ask him, but I don’t know if he’ll want too. Maybe if he brings his dog.” I joke but that just makes everybody even more excited.

“He has a dog! I wanna see a picture of them! Is it a small dog? Is it a pitbull? Is it like bud?” I roll my eyes before pulling out my phone and smiling at a picture of Chihoon and the dogs cuddling.

“Is that him? Yooo he’s cute! OH MY GOD AND HIS DOG?! Y’ALL LOOK!” Donggeon says as he snatches my phone from my hand and shows it too everybody.

“Wait- Chan you’re talking to HIM?!” Jaemin says as he stares at the photo.

“You know how popular this guy is?” Donghun says as he stares at me with his mouth agape and I have to stop my face from turning smug.

“Y’all are feeding into Chan’s ego, stop it.” Jisu says as he rolls his eyes and hands me back my phone to see that I have a text message from Chihoon.


hey, text me when you’re getting back so I can go get food

Okay, I’m heading out right now

“I’ll see y’all later I’m gonna head out.” The guys nod and we say our goodbyes as I walk back to the shop.

“I feel a vibration in my pocket and pull out my phone to see a text from... heejin?


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