chapter 18.5

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hahahahaha filler oops- its Todoroki and Midoriya cus I need to prepare myself the pain I'm going to be putting my highest kin through. also HEAVY  tw for eating disorders and relapsing

3rd person


Todoroki had his arms around Midoriya, trying to keep him form breaking down mid-meal again. It'd been happening since he'd gotten him to eat. 

Midoriya would eat a small amount, start to get nervous, eat a bit more, then panic and refuse to anything else. Todoroki would never force him to eat-he knew how damaging it was- but it was worrying.

A slender hand carded through brittle green hair before resting on a trembling back. They had ended up sitting near the table on the floor, since it wasn't super easy to comfort someone in an armed chair.

"Hey, Mido it's ok. I promise. You don't have to eat anymore right now, ok?"

He didn't get a verbal response, more of a nod that came with a small sniffle. Todoroki looked up towards the ceiling. He'd have to do something soon. He himself was teetering closer and closer to relapsing and fucking both of their chances 8 ways to Sunday. 

Even for it being winter, the smaller was always freezing, and it seemed as though no matter how much moisturizers he used his skin was bone dry. He wasn't terribly skinny thanks to the fact that he really did want to get better and was really trying to at least not loose weight.

"I- can we go watch a movie or something? j-just can't be in here for to long o-or master- or he'll get mad. He's mean when he's mad," He quivered. He started to shift out of the comforting embrace. Before he heard an answer though, he felt himself collapse into a heap on the floor.

"SHIT- Ok, ok. Shoto calm down. Get his feet up and call an ambulance- fuck I don't have any of his medical records they won't help me. Ok um... MOMO ok I gotta call Momo. She'll know what to do," He shouted. Todoroki scrambled to find his phone on the table where he left it while getting the other into a better position with his feet in his lap. Once he got the phone he called the woman, who was on speed dial for other reasons.


"Momo please got over here as fast os you can! Midoriya collapsed and I can't take him to the hospital because I don't have his records and I don't think I can help-"

"Shoto. Calm your ass down. Me and Jiro will be over, but I have to pick a couple things up from my office. For now keep his feet up and find your old iv poll and a fresh bag. Try to very carefully move him too the couch or a bed if you can. If he wakes up don't let him move and try to keep him from panicking. We are on our way out the door and Jiro's at the wheel so we won't be long. Stay calm got it?"

"Ok. Yeah got it. See you in a bit,"

"See you in a bi- KYO IF YOU CRASH THIS CAR" And then the call cut off with a harsh beep.

"Ok, first get him to his bed, then the pole. where did I put that thing?" He started to get his arms under Midoriya's knees and back to pick him up, quietly thanking Bakugo for his workouts, and lifted him. He hurried to the bedroom and got the unconscious male into the bed with two pillows under his feet.

Once Todoroki get that taken care of he went and looked for the pole.  He searched his room and eventually found it in his closet. Once he grabbed it he froze for a second. He truly believed that He wold never have to use that thing again after the last time.

"Although I suppose I won't be the one using it... I hope he doesn't mind all the stickers,"

True to that it was decked out in stickers from top to bottom of bands and movies and anime characters he loved. Todoroki let out one last sigh before starting back to the others room. Along the way he heard the door open and two sets of frantic footsteps.

"Where is he? Good you got it. You two should stay out here. Neither of you like seeing iv's go in," Yaoyarozu said before taking off to the old guest bedroom without waiting for a response.

Jiro led a paler than usual Todoroki to the living room couch.he sat down and took a shaky breath.

"How are you doing? I- this can't be treating you well. You don't have to talk to me but as your best-friends girlfriend you can trust me," The purple haired woman said gently. sShe looked odd this late a night. Not decked out in her punk apparel and makeup, instead her pale skin was tinted red from adrenaline and anxiety. She was in a hoodie and sweat pants, obviously coming from relaxing.

"I'm not even going to lie to you, it's not good. I can feel myself getting closer to relapsing. I don't want to. I can't help him if i'm struggling in a nearly the same way. God I just- he's trying so damn hard and he wants to get there so badly but something just hasn't flipped in his brain and its throwing a wrench into the gears. How long do you think she'll take," By the end he was curled up into himself, slippers abandoned in front of the couch. They ended up talking for another 15-ish minutes before Yaoyarozu came out with a gentle smile on her face.

"Happy to say I've got an iv set up and a good amount of fluids going in at the moment. He should be awake within half an hour," She said as she walked over to the others. 

"Thank you so much Momo. You really are a god you know? You and Jiro should get back to your apartment and get some rest. I'll let you know if anything happens," He said.

They bid their goodbyes and the women left. Todoroki walked back towards the room Midoriya was in, stepping in. He ended up sleeping in the papasan chair tucked into the corner, throw blanket tightly tucked around him.


um low-key hate that but I guess I hate most of what write. I promise a new chapter with actual plot development will come by the end of the month. motivations been lacking for everything recently and my adhd mixed with my anxiety just doesn't mix well. also I recently watched good omens and god do I love it. and finally, I fucking love waterparks. alright, toodles


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