Chapter 14

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Oya oya oya! Guess who's back! I don't know how long it will take for me to write new stuff, but it will happen! Anyways this takes place on the same day that kiri walks in on Baku working out(early morning), Kiribaku visits shinkami, and shinkami goes to the mall. Timelines are fun.
Tw:eating, talk of Ed's

3rd pov (tododeku)

Todoroki was making some food for him and the green haired male who was still fast asleep. It wasn't much, something small and simple to hopefully keep Midoryia from getting sick from it.

Todoroki had stayed up trying to work something out to help the other get used to eating without overbearing the him. He thinks he has the perfect plan, now to discussing with the other.

Once the food was done, which consisted of miso soup and some rice, Todoroki went to wake the sleeping male. He knocked gently on the door,

"Hey midoryia, are you awake?"

He was met with a high pitch screech and a thump, followed by the patter of feet. The door opened to reveal a very out of it greenette.

"Hello sir, I apologize for not being awake," he said hanging his head. He was dressed in an oversized hoodie and sweats. It made sense since it was fairly chilly outside.

"Oh, no it's ok. I was just going to tell you that it's time for breakfast. I also have somthing to discuss with you. Nothing bad just a couple of things," the dual haired man said. Midoryia gave a small nod in response.

Todoroki had already left, but the greenette insisted he made the bed before leaving the room.

Eventually they where both sat down at the table. The clicking of chopsticks on ceramic was all that could be heard for the first five minutes, but then one of them spoke up.

"S-so what did you ne- you need to talk about?" Midoryia mumbled, poking at his rice. He had only taken a couple of bites, and they weren't even really bites. More like he ate an individual grain of rice.

"Well, I know you've been struggling to eat. Trust me, I'm not mad at all. I understand firsthand how your feeling. On that note I have an idea," Todoroki shifted into his seat, setting his chopsticks down.

"Of course this is if you agree, and I won't pressure you into doing it. So, essentially you would have a meal count. You decide how much you want to try to eat everyday, whether that be snacks or meals like this. If you really don't want to eat, then that amount of food gets added onto the next day. Again, this is ONLY if you are ok with it. I'm not going to force anything onto you, but this  is similar to how I dealt with my issues with eating," he stated. Midoryia looked borderline impressed.

"I-I actually think that I could d-do that. But I would have to start small. W-wait, is it ok if I start small? Or do you want me to eat more? I-I promise I'll try! I won't-" his voice was getting progressively weaker, and he sounded as if he was trying to keep from upsetting the other.

"Hey, it's ok. You can eat however much you decide. I just need you to eat something, ok? We can finish this up, and then talk somewhere more comfortable if you would like?"

"Y-yeah, that sounds good," Midoryia said, looking down and lifting some rice up. He took a bite, and Todoroki gave a gentle and encouraging smile when he lifted his eyes.

This would be a process, but he was confident that Midoryia could do it.
619 words of story. Boom boom. Like I said, not sure how long updates will take and if they will be very long (my aim is always 1k but I rarely get there) but they will happen! Next chapter, we get to the good shi-

-a very sleepy rock

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