Chapter 16

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🙃yes. I fucking hate how much dialogue is in this
No ones pov

"So, who's going first?" Shinso said, sipping on his coke.

"You can if you want," Kaminari said.

"Alright, so, favorite color?"

It took a moment for him to respond. "Yellow, but not a bright yellow. More like the subtle kind you see in flowers. Sorry, that was a lot," Kaminari ducked his head in shame.

"No need to worry, talk as much as you'd like. Its your turn to ask,"

"Thank you. Whats your biggest pet peeve?"

"Oh,probably people leaving clothes all over. I don't like messes so clothes everywhere just pisses me off. My turn, what snacks do you like?"

The others eyes lit up,"Oh I love pocky, but thats a given. And I really like flavored milks, except for banana. don't like that one. Rice crackers are good too. My favorite has to be mochi though. And my favorite flavor is strawberry. I REALLY like strawberry flavored things. Ok so do you have any hobbies?" The blond was getting noticeably more calm. Shinso noted how he talked with his hands and how when you got him started on a subject he talked a good bit about it.

"Um, like I said earlier, I like to cycle. thats about it though. Maybe next time we go out we can bike to the park. It's cold right now but when it gets warmer I think you'll like it,"

"But I don't have a bike?"

"You can borrow one of mine. I've got several. Anyways its my turn, so if you could have any pet what would it be?"

"I- I mean if its ok with you. I would absolutely love to have a hedgehog one day. I love most animals though. That does NOT include any kind of arachnid. I hate them. But cats are awesome too! Your's are so sweet. Yeah. Sorry I ramble a lot, I'm working on that. Anyways! Whats your favorite food or drink?"

"I promise, your rambling is fine. I will have to say coffee. I have horrendous insomnia so I kinda run on it. Did you have any hobbies before, uh, everything happened?

"I still feel like I'm talking a lot.. and yeah I did actually! I really like photography, and I made kandi. Oh I wonder if my family..." His voice faded out towards the end.

"Hey, if you need to take a minute you can. You don't have to do anything you don't have do anything you don't want too, ok?"

"No no, I'm ok. Just some bad memories. Anyways, I need to ask you something! Ok, weird question, but do you have a girlfreind? Sorry if thats kinda intrusive, I can ask a different one if you want!" Kaminaris hands waved wildly around his head as he spoke.

"Hey, relax. It's fine, I promise. And no I don't. In fact I'm not interested in women, I'm actually gay and demisexual. Ok, favorite smell?" Shinso could visibly see the change from terror to relief to shock.

"Ok so one, I really the smell of storms, specifically lightning storms. Two, your gay? Thats so cool! I'm bi, or at least I think I am. Also, I don't wanna seem rude, but what is demisexual?"

"Good to know. It's not rude, don't worry. It's pretty much just I have to have a deep emotional connection to someone before I have sexual attraction towards them. Also that didn't count as a question,"

"Neat! Ok so, favorite candy?"

"Thats a good one. I like dark chocolate. Specifically anything 80% or more. Are you a picky eater?"

"Yes and no. I'm not sensitive to taste. I'll eat pretty much any flavor, but I'm really picky about texture. Even things other than food. Like I hate liquid soap, but foam and bar soaps are perfectly fine. I know its probably weird and stuff but I guess I've just always been like that," He yawned when he finished speaking. After he yawned he made a small jerky movement with his wrist.

"Hey is your wrist ok? And if your tired we can clean up and head to bed," Shinso's voice was laced with concern.

"Oh! Yeah its ok. It just kinda twitches sometimes I guess," Kaminari shrugged it off, setting his face in his hands.

"Ok then. Are you tired? It's getting late-" He glanced at his phone"- It's like 10:45. If you want we can go to sleep. Tomorrow I don't think we have any plans so you can sleep in and relax if you'd like,"

"Oh, it is late. We can go to sleep then if that's ok. I'm sorry to cut our game short," He apologised quietly.

"Yeah thats fine. Lets get all of this cleared up and we can go ahead to bed, sound good?"


They both got up and started gathering their trash to throw away. A gray cat came into the room, rubbing against Kaminari's legs. He bent down and scratched her head. She purred and he matched it with a light hum.

Once everything was cleaned up they both headed towards the bedrooms. Kaminari went into his while Shinso stopped at the door.

"Alright, if you need anything please feel free to get it. This is your home as well. And if you need me I'll be in my room, so don't be afraid to come get me. Since I probably wont go to sleep for a while. Sound good?"

"Yeah. But um, if it's not to much to ask could you sit in here till I fall asleep. I don't want to be alone. Sorry I probably sound cra-"

"Of course I can. If it makes you more comfortable I'm willing to do anything. Please Don't be afraid to ask for things if you want them, I'm out like anybody you stayed with before ok?"

The blonde gave a light nod.

"Ok. Do I have permission to come in?"

Another nod.

Shinso walked in and sat on the foot of the bed, removing a tag that had been left there. Kaminari curled up under the mound of blankets and started to drift off. After around 30 minutes, his light snores could be heard. The same gray cat from earlier came in, jumped on the bed and culled up next to the sleeping man.

"You gonna watch over him? Ok then. Goodnight," Shinso got a mewl in response as he rose from the bed and walked over to his room, laying down once he arrived.

Maybe this won't be too bad after all
Anyways I'm not dead. 1060 words. I'll try to have another chapter out before Christmas but I make no promises

Recover (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora