chapter 19

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lol hi


3rd~ roughly a week later

Shinso was bustling around the kitchen cleaning, attempting to distract himself from the document both men had been dreading arriving later in the day. Kaminari was still asleep in his bedroom, as it was fairly early in the morning. Most day's Shinso wouldn't even be awake, but here we are. 

In his defense, the blond and been nervous about finding out since they left the doctors appointment. In addition to that there was the worrying text Todoroki had sent out the night before last. After hearing that, his anxieties were through the roof. 

Letting out a sigh, Shinso decided to start breakfast. Nothing special, just omelets and some rice. After getting thee rice cooker and skillet out, he began to pull everything together. Mumbling along to the music playing and cracking eggs let him sip into his thoughts.

'What would the results be? Would denki even want to know? Would he want to contact his family? What would they do? Would it come back inconclusive? Would it even come in today?'

He was drawn back into the world around him when the padding of feet was heard along with a meow and a yawn.

"G'morning sir," Kaminari slurred, voice still raw from sleeping. He had Mausu in his arms and Anba trailing him. 

"It's hitoshi, and good morning. Foods almost done, coffee is ready." Shinso said. mornings had begun to run a lot smother that nearly a month ago. Both men were more comfortable around each other and Kaminari was beginning to loosen up and trust the other more.

"Sorry, and thank you. Ok Mau I gotta let you down now, go eat."

"Y'know all of the cats seem to like you. It's a miracle you've got Mausu and Mayonaka off their lazy asses, plus Anba seems to enjoy being around you more than me."

"O-oh yeah I guess. I must be a cat whisperer or something!" He chuckled. 

"Must be. Anyways can you set the table while I finish this up?"

"On it! Ah I'm so-"

"Nothing to be sorry for," Shinso said. Kaminari beamed, he could get used to it here. Not having near as many strict rules or anyone telling him what to do.

No. No. He shook the though from his head. It wouldn't last long. He shouldn't get comfortable. Hitoshi would get rid of him or this would be some elaborate trick. He refused to fall for it.

Once the table was set and the food served, they sat and ate. The sound of silverware hitting the porcelain plates and chewing filled the dining area. Both men knew what was coming in the next two hours, but they were simultaneously trying to ignore it. Finally after he couldn't take the silence anymore, Kaminari spoke up.

"I decided I want to contact them. N-not anything more than to get my documents and anything of mine they might have left. After that I don't want anything to do with my family," He struggled to get out the first bit, but got gradually more confident as he finished.

"Makes sense to me. Whatever you want to do is what we will do. Your family, not mine," Shinso said over his coffee.

It brought Kaminari a little bit of comfort. Knowing he'll have closure with the people who made his life hell. Plus the fact that he won't have to worry about where he'll go after- hopefully, his helpful little brain cut in. He opted to ignore it in favor of shoveling another spoonful of rice into his mouth.

After they ate and cleaned up the men got comfortable in the living room. In his childhood, Shinso turned down more 'boyish' movies, preferring to spend his time wandering into the worlds of movies like "Kikis delivery service". Now, if you ever found him stressed or worried the best fix was to let him curl up with his cats and watch a cute movie about a young witch and her cat. 

Lucky for him, Kaminari shared this love. The first time Shinso asked him what he'd like to watch (and successfully got an answer from it) was aforementioned movie. A pleasant surprise for the other. They grew to enjoy watching them together after his rough days to help them calm down.

Over the sound of "a very busy Kiki" the doorbell was heard. The men shared a knowing look. It was time. 

While yes, in theory, This was just the tools they needed to make the calls. But both knew it was now or never. If they didn't do it today, Kaminari would work himself up over it so much they wouldn't be able to do anything. They had to do it as soon as the opened the envelope. So, with that in mind, they started towards the door.

Now or never

"I'll let you do the honors" Despite trying to keep himself together, Kaminari could hear the nerves in the others tone.

Kaminari gave a shaky smile, before opening the door and pulling the mail out of the small box next to the door. He shuffled back into the house and deposited of the small pile, eyes on a specific tan one.

Letting out a deep breath, he tore open the top and begun extracting the contents. mostly just fancy legal documents but eventually he found the one he was looking for. A contact list with his parents and close relatives.

"You sure your ready for this? If you need to wait we ca-"

"I'm sure. U-uh I want to do this now," His voice was shaky and unsure, but he was ready all the same. Shinso handed over his phone and Kaminari quickly dialed up the number on the paper listed as his mother. 

A thousand different emotions shot through him as it rung. What would she should like? How much different would she be? Would she want her son back or would she send him away again? His thoughts were cut short by a harsh, feminine voice.

"Who the hell is this?"

"Hi mom-"


1015 words

is that how mail works? no. do I care? no. anyways as always call out any errors you see!

also Kikis delivery service is my comfort movie so catch me projecting it on my fav characters

-rock(who is very sorry for dying but can't say it won't happen again)

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