Chapter || 02

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"Damn new girl. You nearly made me deaf." The tall figure on the bike chuckled deeply causing unwanted shivers down my spine.

I stared with narrowed eyes as the stranger got off the bike with his long legs covered by black ripped jeans and I nearly gulped when he took off his helmet.

"Oh no." I heard Oliver say but it sounded like a whisper to me.

Why does all hot guys need to be mean? Like seriously. This guy had tanned skin with agate eyes, a sharp jawline and a very unnoticed mustache. He smirked nearly hitting the wind out of my lungs.

"You're staring." He smirked snapping out of my daze.

Remembering what just happened, I frowned.

"You nearly fucking knocked me over!" I exclaimed taking a step closer to him.

"Whatever." He casually replied running his hand threw his wet black hair before walking past me with a smirk.

"Hey!" I called out ready to give him a piece of my mind.

Who the hell does he think he is to just drive past me like that? Is he short sighted? Did he not see me standing there? The nerve he had to just brush it off like he didn't just nearly kill me.

"Hey hey hey. Emma stop." Olivia whisper yelled hold a firm grip on my arm.

"What why? Didn't you see what he did?" I asked wide eyed.

Is she really going to stop me right now?

"No I saw but you can't go blowing up in his face. He's not a very good guy." She ushered me into the school doors. "Let's get you to the administration office to get your timetable an locker number." She added.

"He is going to pay, I swear." I groan as I follow her while scanning the halls.

There are teenagers standing by their lockers, couples kissing by their lockers and even a group of boys play fighting by someone's locker. I caught a few eyes on me, girls and boys but their reaction was different. Girls looked at me as if I stole their lunch and boys looked at me as if I was lunch. That I'm used to, I know all too well about my big boobs, curvy figure and long legs but that doesn't make it less awkward to walk past them.

"Just let him be and stay away from him okay. I'm being serious Em." She begged stopping in front of me.

Suddenly I'm very interested in this motorcycle rider.

"But why?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

As if on cue, a boy with glasses and curly brown hair got slammed into a locker just a few lockers away from Olivia's. I watched with wide eyes as two guys laughed and one ruffled his hair saying "oh I'm sorry buddy." not meaning it one bit. My wide eyes narrowed when I noticed the motorcycle rider as the guy next to the one who ruffled the boy's hair.

"That's why." Olivia hissed as she dragged me by my arm away from the scene.

I've witnessed my fair share of bullying in my old school and I always stood aside and watched. Not my proudest moments but once you get into it, they'll target you next and that's the last thing anyone would want.

"He's a bully?" I whisper yelled wide eyed.

"Some say him and his friends are part of a gang outside of school." She whispered back.

"What really?!"

"Yep, he's hot though but enough of him. Here's the administration office, the bell is about to go off for homeroom so I need to go but enjoy yourself." She smiled and walked away leaving me standing wide eyed by the closed office door.

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