Chapter || 05

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And she was right. We were put together as partners and I've never been more relieved. She's the only one I actually talk to in class, other than the geek that sits on the other side of me - his name is Alexander Walker and he has a girlfriend back in his hometown which he visits during holidays.

"So when are we going to work on the assessment? Saturday?" I ask taking a sip from my bottled water. It was finally lunch time and Isabella and Olivia couldn't be more excited to eat.

"Unfortunately, I'm only available today. There's things at home I need to help with." She says giving me a apologetic smile. I find myself wondering what these things are but I mentally slap myself for being nosy.

"You guys have a assessment already?" Olivia asks while chewing a fry making me purse my lips at her.

"Yeah we're partners." Isabella grins wiping her hands with her paper towel after a greasy burger.

"I'm so jealous." Olivia jokes pouting.

"Well we can all go to my house from school. I live like just a walking distance from the school." She smiles making Olivia jump up with excitement.

"Yes yes. Let's go to her house. Your house is beautiful Bella." She coos making me laugh.

"She's such a lair. You know the only reason why she loves coming to my house is because of my pool and my food." Isabella shakes her head in amusement making me do the same.

"Well then I think we should go to her house then." I laugh. "We can just message our mothers and then we can leave straight after school so we have enough time to do the whole thing." I add.

"It's a date then." Isabella laughs.

"Here I'll call my mother now." Olivia says taking out her phone. Lunch time is the only time we get to use our phones but most of us don't really follow that rule.

We decide to only tell Aunt Ava and ask her to let my mother know when she gets home from work. For some reason, I feel a little nervous to go to her house - not because of her but because of Liam but at the same time I'm curious.

We decide to talk a walk to Isabella's and when we turn the corner, I instantly spot Liam standing with James and three other guys - they were standing against someone's wall and just talking. A curly red head spots us first.

"Hey there, girls. Isabella, who's the hottie in the black top?" He asks pointing at me as he nudges James. James looks over and smirks as they whisper to each other causing Liam to look up. At first he looks at Isabella, then at me and he frowns shutting his friends up by saying something and rolling his eyes.

"Just ignore them." Isabella groans. "They have no life."

But I don't listen to her as I watch Liam. They're all looking at him - he looks as if he's explaining something but I can't hear anything because we are now further away from the corner.

"Wasn't that Liam?" Olivia voices my question.

"Yeah, Liam and his low life friends." Olivia laughs opening the door. The house huge and modern. They have a huge chandelier hanging in the lounge with a grey lounge set, clear glass coffee table and a huge TV against the white wall. Most of their walls are made of glass instead of wall and the sliding door in the lounge allows me to peak into their yard and I see why Olivia loves their pool so much. It's clean, massive and looks as if it's sparkling.

"Charlotte I brought guests!" Olivia screams bringing me out of my awe daze. "You guys can come into the kitchen to meet her." She adds making me wonder if she has another sibling. She said she was the only girl though.

"You did? Oh hey Olivia. Welcome back." A chubby pale skinned woman giggles when we get into the kitchen. The kitchen looks more modern than the lounge with it's silver, white and black theme - a huge black top island in the middle of the kitchen.

"This is Emma, she's a new student at Bayview. Emma mean Charlotte. Our housekeeper and chef." Olivia grins giving the lady a hug.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs.."

"Oh sweety my surname is Davies but you can just call me Charlotte." She laughs hugging me instead of shaking my held out hand.

"She's a hugger." Olivia laughs as she moves to hug her too.

"I'll make some sandwiches for you girls yeah?" She asks with a British accent.

"Thank you Charlotte. We'll be upstairs in my room, just shout when it's ready." Isabella smiles and nudge us to the silver stairs.

"Will do Sweeties." Charlotte calls after us.

"Wow your house looks amazing Bella." I say in awe as we reach her room. Just like her house, her room is painted white. A king sided bed filled with stuff animals of all shapes and sizes decorating the white bedding set. There's a comfortable looking single couch by the window that Olivia sits on and a small brown book shelf sitting on a glass study table. A brown door next to it, it's probably her closet.

"Thank you very much. Mother was a interior designer." She giggles throwing her bag down on the hardwood floor and motioning for me to do the same. I've noticed that it's easy for her to talk about her mother but only to some extents - if she talks about her, it's cool but once you start asking more questions then she becomes closed off and brush it off so I choose to say..

"She was very talented."

"Yes she was." Olivia smiles at her making her head go down. I start panicking for a moment but then she starts jumping up.

"Let's get this assessment going." She says clapping her hands. "Do you want to sit on the floor with me?"

"Yeah sure." I laugh at her excitement. "You nor going to help us are you?" I ask turning to Olivia who made herself comfortable on Isabella's bed with the many fluffies - typing on her phone.

"Absolutely not. There's a reason why I dropped Accounting." She shakes her head with distaste. "Besides, I'm waiting on Charlotte's magical sandwiches." She shrugs laying down on her back.

"Well then." I sigh laughing.

Gosh guys I'm going to miss the first few minutes of my series! But I enjoy writing so who cares ^∆^.
Thank you for reading and let me know what you think.
Enjoy your day.

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