Chapter || 08

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"Something smells..." Olivia sniffs the air when we got into Isabella's house but Isabella cut her off.

"Liam!" Isabella suddenly screams, stomping her way towards the kitchen. I look over at Olivia who's still sniffing the air - making me do the same. It was the smell of weed - the same weed that was prescribed to grandma before she passed.

We followed Isabella and she forcefully opens the door that leads to the back yard. The smell now worse than before, burning my nostrils and making my stomach turn. I looked over at the built in soccer tuff where Liam and his friends are sitting and smoking what is obviously weed. James hands it over to Liam and he takes a long puff.

"Liam! Where the fuck is Charlotte?" Isabella screams making his friends jump - he didn't even look fazed.

"She said she needed to go buy supplies." He shrugs handing the blunt to the red head.

"Yo bro, your sister has some hot ass friends." The red head smirks making Liam's head snap up.

"What are you doing here?" He asks dumbfounded looking directly at me. My voice is caught in my throat, the sunlight shining directly on his face making his eyes look even better.

"Don't be rude. I invited them over for a swim." Isabella scoffs making him roll his eyes.

"Then go and swim." He says.

"Bro I think we should join them." The red head says winking at me. What the hell is his problem?

"Nah bro, we need to go." Liam demands standing up, the others soon follow suit. The smell of weed burns my nose as one by one walk past me to head out of the yard.

"That's a horrible habit." I state when Liam walks past making him stop.

"Whatever." He scoffs but throws the blunt on the floor, trapping it dead.

"Are you going to pick that up?" Isabella asks him still red as a tomato.

"No." He shrugs walking out, glancing at me again.

"Ugh guys I'm so sorry about that." Isabella groans bending down to pick the blunt up and throw it in the big dirt bin.

"That's cool. I kinda like the smell of weed." Olivia laughs walking into the kitchen again.

"We can change in my room then come out and swim." Isabella motions for the staircase and we all head up.

After changing into our swimsuits, we hung out in the pool but Isabella was not as giddy as she always is. I guess her brother ruined her mood, I hope she doesn't feel embarrassed - we never judged her or Liam.

"Oh hey girls." Charlotte greets when she comes out to the yard with a bucket of what seems to me soil.

"Charlotte you going to plant more flowers?" Isabella smiles lifting herself out of the pool. She was the only one still in the pool after Olivia and I decided to tan on the grass that surrounded the pool.

"Oh yes." Charlotte beams. "But not right now, maybe later. Your father is eating at home tonight, I need to get dinner ready."

"Father's eating here tonight?" Isabella asks, her eyes going wide. The more I time I spend with Isabella, the more everything confuses me. Why would she be shocked about her father eating dinner at home? Is he one of those who spend every hour of every day at his work?

"Yes honey." Charlotte smiles.

"Oh." Isabella replies sitting down on the grass.

"Isabella are you okay?" I ask, her expression now unreadable.

"Oh yeah. I'm just shocked that father is coming to dinner, he normally just eats at work and comes home when we're all already asleep." She laughs dryly. "I wonder if something's wrong?" She adds, her brows furrowing.

"Maybe he just decided to come and spend sometime with you guys so Emma and I better head home." Olivia says and I agree. If today is one of the seldom days that Isabella gets to eat dinner with her father, we don't want to intervene.

"No, can you guys stay for dinner please." She pouts. "If father is about to drop some bomb, I'll need you."

"What makes you think your father is going to drop a bomb?" I ask.

"That's the only reasons why he eats dinner with us sometimes." She shrugs. "Or he might have somehow found out about Liam smoking weed in the yard again and is coming to scold him."

"Oh." I say not knowing what else to say. I've never met her father but he must be strict and hard on them.

"Well then we'll gladly stay." Olivia smiles putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah." I smile at her.

"I just hate it when he scolds Liam, I know something is going on with him but he won't talk to me. We were so close before mother died." Her voice breaks. "Father just believe that Liam is acting put because of his friends but I know that it's how he's trying to deal with mother's death. He doesn't open up to us, he just goes out and hurt himself everyday."

My heart breaks when years starts rolling down her cheeks and I immediately grab her. She melts into my arms and Olivia joins, turning it into a group hug.

"He'll be okay." I whisper. I was right about Liam. He is just a broken boy trying to deal with his pain the wrong way. He just needs to talk it out, ask for help then he'll be okay. I can't help the feeling of wanting to help him but I know it's not my place. I don't even understand why I want to help him, do I pity him or do I genuinely care? Why do I care?

After Isabella calmed down, we decided to help Charlotte with the food and decorate the brown dinner table. Charlotte really went out of her way to make a good dinner for them tonight and I can tell how excited she is to have Isabella's father home for dinner. I wonder how long she's been working here, did she know Isabella's mother?

"Hey." A voice sounds from behind me making me turn around from the table after putting the last fork down. My eyes widen at the sight and I swallow hard.

"Mrs Williams?" My mouth asks before I can fully recover from the shock.

What the hell is her homeroom teacher doing at Isabella's house? What the hell is going on?
Thank you for reading, enjoy the rest of your day.

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