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Taehyung was awoken by the shuffling happening next to him. His eyes slowly opened. The drowsiness that he felt immediately left his body. The child from yesterday was thrashing around. Taehyung quietly sat up and looked around trying to find something to help him. His breath quickened as his palms got clammy. He took in a deep breath before scooting over and taking the blanket off the child. It looked like the toddler was still sleeping. So, he gently shook him, hoping he'd wake up.

The child gasped for air. As his eyes shot open. Tears rolled down his cheek. He looked scared. Quickly, the kid sat up and moved away from him. His big teary eyes looked at Taehyung with fear.

Taehyung gulped, what was he supposed to do now?

The dark bruises on the child's body made his mind run with horrible ideas. Many of which were framing his boyfriends. His stomach dropped every time he thought about it. While this was all happening in his head. His heart said otherwise. Begging him to believe that the mafia men were innocent when it came to the child. And that maybe, just maybe they had rescued him.

However, he ignored the two. At the moment Taehyung was more worried about the distressed child, than about how he ended up here. "Are you alright?" Taehyung asked in the softest and lightest voice he could muster.

The kid only stared. His body slowly started to shake. He was looking at Taehyung, but at the same time, he wasn't. The child spaced out but was still aware of Tae being near him.

So, when Taehyung moved off the bed. The toddler snapped out of his thoughts. He held onto the pillow beside himself.

Tae walked to the table and took an item off of it. Remembering how the child seemed to like the rubber duck. He walked back to his side of the bed and sat down. He stared at the yellow duck before turning to the kid. He raised his hand and offered it to the child.

Seeing as he wasn't making any moves, Taehyung placed it on the bed and got up again. This time he walked into the bathroom to get some tissues.

Once he got back he noticed the child was staring at the duck. Yet, didn't make any move to take it.

"You can take it." He softly said. The toddler just stared at him. Taehyung sighed, back to square one. He thought that after what happened yesterday — the child falling asleep in his arms — that the said child would have warmed up to him. Guess it wasn't going to be that simple.

"Here you go, sweetie." Taehyung handed him a tissue. His heart pinched when he stretched his arm and watched the child flinch. The child stared at his stretched hand. Tae knew he wasn't going to take the tissue, so he dropped his hand.

The two sat on the bed, Taehyung on one corner of the bed to give the frightened child some space. Until the toddler fell back to sleep in an awkward sitting position.

Taehyung got up and walked over to him. He carefully lifted him and laid him down. Making sure to cover him with the blanket. Tae got a tissue and cleaned his face. He gently patted his cheeks where the tears had rolled down. He stared for a bit. A big frown on his face. Tae shook his head and got up, throwing the tissue away.

The male then went into the bathroom. He sighed and stripped himself of his pajamas. Knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, he just decided to get ready for the day. After his shower, he changed into comfortable clothes. He brushed his teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

He looked at the sleeping child. He looked so peaceful and calm while sleeping.

Taehyung bit his lip, it was time to talk to his boyfriends about why the child was there. His heart sped up, he was slightly nervous. Things could change after the conversation was over. He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to start worrying. He looked at the toddler one more time before leaving his room.

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