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I sincerely apologize for taking so long to publish a new chapter. Things have not gone well for me in the past months. I've currently been editing some chapters to get me back into the groove of writing.

I wanted to update this book for the past few months now. But things kept getting in the way. Writing is very hard. It takes a lot out of you. And sometimes you need to take breaks to not burn yourself out.

However, the new chapter has some sensitive topics. I'm not sure I can portray it correctly. It is another reason why I've been delaying the update.

I've taken the time to re-read the book. I might edit the sensitivity out before I update the new chapter. But just know it will take some time. Maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe another month. Idk. I just want to give an update on how things are going. And why I've taken a lot of time off updating/publishing this and all of my other books.

I also want to tell you why. The other reason is...


It's voting season and that takes up so much time. It's very stressful, especially with some fanbase joining together to sabotage bts from winning. I know there are some bad eggs in the basket of each fandom. It's just very disappointing to watch it go down.

This is no shade to anyone!! Unless you're one of the ones doing it and encouraging others to do it!!

So I'm going to focus on voting for the tannies. I'm sorry if you're disappointed. I understand. But also please understand me. 💜

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