Chapter 5

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The next couple of weeks flew by as she got into her new working routine. Marjie left, almost buried under countless presents and cards, her eyes red from crying with the emotion of it all. Although Allie had only known her a short while, she too was touched by the speech that she made at the final presentation at the end of her last afternoon.

One by one, her colleagues left her office, until there was just Norris, Marjie and Allie remaining.

Norris pulled her into a big hug, his eyes bright with emotion. Allie stepped back, her eyes filling with tears at the sight.

"I'm going to miss you Marjie," he told her. "You've worked with me for so long now. Almost like having a second wife!" he grinned at her. "Thank you so much for all you've done. You could claim that none of the bands would have got anywhere without you! And you'd be right to do so. Thank you love."

He kissed her cheek and let go of her, his hand going to her cheek as he wiped away a tear.

Marjie nodded and gathered her things together, too emotional to say any more. She looked around and smiled, so many memories of times in that office. No longer hers, but Allie's now. With a sigh she took hold of the door and disappeared through it.

As the door closed behind her, Norris smiled and turned to Allie.

"She's going to be a hard act to follow Allie, but if anyone can do it, you can. I've heard good things about you already and I'm impressed. Marjie has left this place in safe hands with you. She had no doubts whatsoever that you were up to and ready for this job. That's a recommendation worth it's weight in gold coming from her." He nodded once more and then left the room.

Over the next couple of days, Allie slipped into her new job quite easily. She found things easy to pick up with all the help that Marjie had left for her. Her time was split between working with Norris and Bea. He was full of praise for her and felt that Marjie had found an excellent replacement for herself in Allie.

Not long after this, Norris called her into his office.

"I thought that it would be a good idea for us to spend a couple of days with Take That Allie. They're due to start their tour in a few days time. You could get to see first hand the preparations they're making for the concerts. I've been in touch and they're expecting us down there tomorrow. Come prepared tomorrow!" he grinned at her.

Allie nodded, her heart thudding at the mention of the group. She'd been busy recently but even the amount of work she'd been doing hadn't been able to keep Howard from slipping into her thoughts each day. The thought of spending time with them over the next couple of days made her throat dry.

The next morning she met Norris at the office before they were taken down to the rehearsal studios where the band were practising their routines. Most of the equipment for the tour was also being assembled there too, before being loaded into the huge lorries that would take it to the various venues through out the country.

Allie was surprised at the number of people there seemed to be there. She and Norris were taken to the office to catch up with Tim, their choreographer. He told them that the guys were doing an interview that morning and were expected back around lunchtime.

"Yes of course," Allie nodded. "I remember setting that up for them last week. I had to ok the questions they were going to be asked. Seems strange to think that it's actually happening now!"

Tim offered to give them a guided tour of the tour base. Following him out of the office, he took them around. The first place they saw was the wardrobe department. Three women were still busily sewing away at their machines putting the finishing touches to costumes for the dancers and members of the drummer band that was going to be part of one of the routines.

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