Chapter 39

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Allie stirred in her sleep and gradually became aware of a line of soft kisses being planted down her back. She smiled and shivered, turning over as her eyes slowly opened, in no rush to rouse herself from the deep and relaxing sleep she had just had.

As her eyes opened she realised that a pair of dark denim blue eyes were looking intently at her.

"Morning," the owner of them greeted her, his voice still husky from sleep. He planted another kiss on her lips this time, and smiled down at her, his fingertips trailing down her arm.

"Morning," she mumbled back at him, her arms reaching out to him as he pulled her against his chest and held her there.

"Sleep well?" he asked, kissing the top of her head.

"Hmm," she nodded happily, as she curled into him, in no rush to move out of the cosy cocoon of their bodies. "Best for ages!"

"Hmm me too," he agreed with her, his hand stroking down her bare back. "Wonder why?"

Allie laughed and nuzzled against him, kissing wherever her lips met his skin, working her way down his chest to the toned flatness of his stomach. She shifted herself between his legs, licking her lips as she pulled her hair from her face, then her eye was caught by the clock on the nightstand.

"Shit," she muttered as she pulled away from him, throwing back the duvet and getting out of the bed. "Got to go!"

"Why?" he asked, a look of disappointment coming to his face as he raised himself onto one elbow and watched her hurriedly dress herself.

"I'm going to be late for work," she explained to him as she looked around the room to find one of her shoes. "I'll have to go home and change first too. It's almost eight and my first meeting is meant to start at nine thirty. I was late yesterday too."

"I'll drive you round, don't worry," Howard offered as he got out of bed and dressed quickly. "At least have a coffee before you go dashing out."

"Ok, but it will have to be quick," replied Allie as they made their way downstairs to the kitchen.

Howard made coffee for both of them as she searched around and finally found her jacket from the night before, her lost shoe appearing in the hallway.

"Here, drink this," Howard told her, pushing a mug of coffee towards her as she pulled her jacket on.

Allie took a mouthful then pulled a face at the metallicy taste, pouring the coffee away into the sink. "That's awful," she told him. "I'll get something at the office later."

Grabbing his keys from the table in the hallway, Howard led them outside to his car and five minutes later, Allie was dashing into her house and running up the stairs to shower quickly. Half an hour she was back in the car on her way round to the office.

"I'll see you later," Howard told her as she leaned over and kissed his cheek before she jumped out onto the pavement and disappeared inside the building.

Her meetings kept her fully occupied and the morning flew by. Before she knew it, Cassie was being ushered into her office by Bea. Sitting down in front of her, she placed two paperbags onto the desk containing their lunch.

"I've been waiting all morning to hear from you," she told her as she leaned over the desk and took the phone off the hook. "I want to know all the dirty details and don't shake your head like that! I know that there are some because Howard came by this morning and he never stopped smiling the whole time he was talking to Gary. That means one of two things. Either he's gone totally barmy as we all expected he would do after years of that strange music he plays or he's had a bloody good night of pure wild unadulterated sex! My money's on the last one! I'm right aren't I?" she grinned at her as she took out the wraps filled with chicken salad.

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