Chapter 13

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By the time Allie was back at work the following Monday, her ankle was feeling much better. Bea spotted the slight limp that she was still walking with and fussed around her, making her take every chance to rest it more.

"You've got to be fit in time for Glasgow at the end of this week," she reminded her. "You'll be on your feet all the time once you get up there with Norris."

Allie saw the sense of this and after some initial protest, decided to do the sensible thing and took heed of her warning.

Throughout this time, the texts flew thick and fast between Allie's and Howard's phones, the first one arriving on her phone immediately after she had left him at the hotel. He kept her up to date with departures, arrivals and every other important thing during their time in Dublin and Cardiff.

Allie found herself looking forward to his texts and was disappointed if she hadn't heard from him by lunchtime. Once or twice she wondered to herself if it was a good idea, her becoming so friendly with him and reminded herself that it would probably all fizzle out at the end of the tour. It wasn't as if he were short of female admirers, for a start there was Clare. She would love to spend more time with him and now that Allie was back in London, she no doubt would be making the most of every opportunity that came her way.

Cassie also kept her up to date with what was going on. From time to time, she mentioned to Allie that Howard seemed to be missing her and was always happier once he'd had a text or call from her. She seemed to enjoy teasing her about him and was looking forward to seeing her back with them once they got to Glasgow.

The night before Allie and Norris were due to set out for the first of the Glasgow concerts, she was packing her case ready for an early start the next morning. She was meeting Norris at the office and the two of them would then fly up to join the band in time for the concert. Part of her plan included a hot shower and then an early night so she would be up bright and early the next morning.

She had just stepped into the shower and started to wash her hair when she thought she heard the door bell ring out. Turning the shower off, she listened for a moment and the sound came again. Pulling her dressing gown on and wrapping a towel around her head, she dashed down the stairs and opened the door a fraction to peep around it.

"Joe!" she exclaimed at the sight of him. "Great timing!"

"Oh Sorry," he grinned at her, realising that he'd called at a bad time for her.

Allie shook her head at him and opened the door wider, allowing him into the house past her.

"Come on then, be quick if you're coming in," she half scolded him. "It's cold standing here like this!"

"Ok, you go back and finish what you're doing," he told her as he followed her down the hallway. "Or I could go and come back another time if you like?" he offered.

"No, you're here now. I'll just go up and finish off then I'll be with you," Allie told him. "Make a drink if you like, I'll have a hot chocolate!" she called down to him as she made her way quickly back up the stairs again. "Help yourself to biscuits too, I won't be long!"

She disappeared back into the bathroom, leaving Joe to fend for himself while she finished showering.

He had made them both a drink, when Allie's phone began to ring. She'd left it on the coffee table in the living room and he went to answer it for her. As he picked it up he noticed the name on the caller display. Howard.

"Hi, Allie's phone," he began, "Hi Howard."

He heard a pause and then Howard answered him.

"Hi, er is that Joe?" he asked, unsure who he was speaking to at first.

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