Chapter 17

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By the time Allie and Cassie met up that night, Allie just wanted to put the day to bed and start all over again.

"Thank goodness, we're out of it tonight," Allie sighed as she filled their large glasses with red wine. "Today's been a bitch of a day. So glad to see the end of it."

"You got everything sorted out then?" asked Cassie, taking a sip of her drink. "From various comments I've heard, you put the fear of God into them. And all by yourself, no help from any of the guys! Good for you love!" She raised her glass in salute to her.

"I don't like being so heavy handed with them but there are certain situations where you have to do it. For their own good and that of the rest of the group. I also made it crystal clear to Clare what was expected from her. She's always swanning around, trying to make out that she's so special, well now's the time for her to show that she is. I'm still so annoyed with her that she let them drink so much. What if one of them had had an accident? Got hurt and had to pull out of the show? Some of them aren't much more than kids." She paused as she took another sip of her drink "She's a senior member of the company, she should do her bit."

Cassie let her talk, wondering when she would eventually calm down. She saw and heard the determination in her voice. She was convinced that there was something more, something that she wasn't telling her.

By the time they had eaten their meal, Allie seemed a bit calmer. They ordered coffees to drink in the private lounge and took them over to the big comfy armchairs, sinking into them to continue their conversation.

"So what else is bothering you?" Cassie asked her finally. "And don't even try to deny it, I know you too well. There's something that you're not telling me, isn't there?"

Allie smiled at her and nodded. She knew she'd be wasting her time denying it to her.

"You know me too well Cas," she admitted to her. She took a deep breath and sighed. "It's Howard."

"Oh? From what I've heard, I'd say that you had nothing to worry about with him. According to Gary, he's smitten with you!"

Allie's eyes widened and a faint blush came to her cheeks.

"Don't say that" she whispered. "But why? We've spent hardly any time together, how could he be?"

Cassie laughed at her reaction, convinced that she was clowning around.

"Gary reckons it could be the start of something major for him. And knowing him, that's saying something," she laughed.

"Oh don't worry I'm too well aware of what he's like! I can read and I have ears too!" Allie replied quickly, taking a large drink from her cup.

"I don't understand. What's the problem? Most women would love to hear that a sexy handsome man like him was beginning to fall for them! You sound as if you don't want him to! Some would say you were showing signs of madness!" she told her in mock seriousness. "Like I say, what is the problem?"

"It's just getting so complicated, and I don't want complications in my life at the moment!"

"What even when they come in the shape of six foot one of blue eyed, dark curly haired gorgeousness by the name of Howard?" Cassie exclaimed.

"I think I should have a word with Gary," grinned Allie, " you seem far too smitten with his best friend! I'd better warn him to watch out!"

"Oh no need for that! My heart belongs to Gary no doubt about it," Cassie hastily reassured her. " I just don't understand you. I mean it's obvious he likes you a lot and you like him too, don't you?"

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