Chapter 15

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The next morning Allie was up early making the call to Daniel as she had promised Marjie. It soon became apparent that they needed to meet up and talk things over face to face.

"Why don't you come over this afternoon and you can see how we do things on site at the Cricket Ground?" she suggested to him. "I think you could take away some useful ideas when you've seen them in practice," she told him. "They really have things down to a fine art here. And it shows in every performance."

Daniel thought it was a good idea as he was practicing with the group in a studio not far from the centre of Manchester.

"We finish around five. How about I meet up with you at the venue and you can show me around?"

"That should be fine," Allie agreed, rapidly running through the plans she had made for the day with Bea. "We'll tell security that you're expected and they'll bring you to me on the site."

Ringing off from him, she then called Marjie back in the office telling her that she had things under control with Daniel and hoped to have answered his questions and put his mind at rest by the end of the day. Marjie assured her that everything was under control at her end of things.

"And Maggie has been on the phone to say that Norris is continuing to improve as well. So you have nothing to worry about . Everything and everyone is fine. Just try to relax a little and enjoy being out of the office for a while."

Realising that Marjie was right, Allie made a mental note not to feel guilty about arranging to meet up with Cassie for lunch that day. She rang off and went to look for Bea.

Finding her in her room with Clare, she told her that she wanted to speak to her. Clare immediately made herself scarce.

"Look, I'm glad that you've found your friend again after not seeing her for so long, but mornings are our time for getting to grips with any problems that may have sprung up, either here on tour or even back down in London. I'd really appreciate it if you could save your time with Clare for after we've done what we need to do. Ok?"

Bea blushed and apologised.

"I'm sorry, but she came around to borrow my straighteners and we just sort of got chatting. It won't happen again Allie."

"I know it won't. Just be on your guard for it in future though. It's the easiest thing in the world to happen, to become distracted from your work. I know what it's like." Allie smiled at her. "Ok, down to business."

Together they went over their itinerary for the day and checked times and places for both themselves and the band. That day they had an interview to do with one of the local radio stations which would take up a couple of hours in the late afternoon. Allie and Bea already had a copy of the questions that they were going to be asked and had approved most of them. After that it would be time to get to the Cricket Ground to check things out there before the concert for that evening.

"So that looks like everything is ok and going to plan," grinned Allie. "I'm meeting with Cassie for lunch. She's a friend I'd not seen for a long time and we met up again quite recently. We keep finding things to tell each other about from years back! I suppose it's like that for you and Clare too?"

"I think it will be. We've only had a couple of hours together so far and I'm sure to have forgotten something that I should have told her about," giggled Bea. "No doubt we'll be able to do some more catching up when we go out tonight."

"Oh so you've made plans then?" asked Allie as they started to gather their papers together and put them in the brief case along with their laptop and other things they or the guys could need that afternoon.

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