Chapter 37

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Allie let the curtain fall and turned from the window, checking her watch for the umpteenth time. It was ten to eight. He'd promised to be on time.

'On the dot he said' she thought to herself as she looked at her reflection in the hall mirror yet again. She touched the star pendant and moved it along the chain around her neck. She smiled as she noticed it sparkle in the light. Ever since she'd got it, she'd worn it constantly, a reminder if she needed it, of the giver, Howard.

"Where the heck is he?" she thought out loud and adjusted her dress, pulling it up a little, making sure that it wasn't too revealing. 'Don't want to be flaunting myself too much, give out the wrong signals.'

But what signals should she be giving out? Even after all this time she wasn't sure what she wanted from him. She knew that she wanted to see him again and to have the same close relationship as before. But how serious was it to get between them? She still didn't want to run the risk of being hurt. But maybe she already had been. And she'd survived it. Allie stared at her reflection in the mirror. 'You can't live in cotton wool for the rest of your life', she thought to herself. 'You're supposed to be a grown woman. And you can't live a full life without taking certain risks, including getting hurt in relationships.' She sighed and went back to look out of the window.

Lifting the curtain slightly, she let it fall immediately and ducked back out of view. Finally he was here. She'd just spotted him rushing up the path to the door. The bell rang and she made herself stop from going to answer it immediately. Counting to 20, she then walked slowly to the door and opened it. Before she could say anything, Howard started to speak, his hands held up in front of him as if to ward off any telling off she was about to give him.

"I know, I know I said I wouldn't be late tonight, but you'll never guess what happened!" He stood to one side as she stepped out onto the path and let her go first down to where his car was parked at the curb.

"Go on then. This had better be good," she told him, her eyebrows raised, trying to remain cool and appear unconcerned. Placing one hand on her shoulder, he leaned down and opened the car door for her, his hand moving to her hip as she lowered herself onto the seat.

"Well?" she asked as he joined her inside the car. "I'm waiting for this thing that I'm not going to believe!"

"I got a call from the restaurant about six o'clock, telling me that they'd had a fire in the kitchen and wouldn't be able to open tonight."

"Oh no, what a shame," Allie exclaimed. "No one was hurt were they? I hope not."

"No one was hurt, and the damage was mainly smoke. But they won't be able to open for the next couple of days, they need to clean everywhere thoroughly. The restaurant and the kitchen, the smoke got everywhere. So we can't go there for our meal tonight."

"That's a pity. So what's that got to do with you being late after promising me you'd be here on the dot?"

"I had to go out and get some shopping done then start the cooking, and get ready and come and pick you up!" Howard explained to her. "Good to know that you were eager for me to come and collect you. Bet you couldn't wait to see me again eh?" he teased her. "Sure I saw the curtain twitch when I was coming up the path! How many did you count to before you opened the door? Ten?"

"I was closing the door to the kitchen, the breeze must have made it move," Allie lied, feeling her cheeks warm up. "Huh and it was 20!"

"Really made me wait then," Howard smirked. "Little Miss Super Cool eh?"

"If you're going to be taking the mick all night, just drop me off here," Allie retorted, taking a hold of the door handle. "Smart arse!"

"Ok, ok, no more taking the mick , I'm sorry." He apologised. "But I hope you were looking forward to meeting up again tonight just a bit. I was."

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