Chapter 47

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"You want to do what?" exclaimed Norris as he picked up the letter that Allie had just handed to him. "But why? You're doing such a brilliant job for us. I really have been impressed with how you've settled in and run things for us while I've been ill."

"I know and I'm sorry to leave you like this," Allie started to explain. "I've not been well recently and my work hasn't been up to standard. I really need to get away and the only fair thing to do is to hand in my notice. My doctor has told me that I need to rest before I become very ill."

"Hmm," Norris said thoughtfully, nodding as he listened to her. "I'm sorry to hear that. I can't argue with a doctor." He looked at her thoughtfully. She had lost weight and certainly didn't look her usual self. She was an excellent employee and he didn't want to lose her. " Is there anything I can do? You could have time off and come back when you are ready to pick things up again. With full pay of course."

Allie sadly shook her head. She crossed to his side of the desk and took his hand in hers, a sad smile coming to her face.

"That is very generous of you Norris, but I think a complete change of scene is what I need and I'll be moving out of the area. I have to do it, there are too many sad memories here and I'd never get better if I didn't do this. I'm so sorry."

Norris nodded in understanding. "Well," he sighed. "If that is what you need to do, then you have to do it. Just remember this, if you ever decide to come back you'll be more than welcome. If not and you need references, you can be sure of excellent ones from me." Standing up he came to her and hugged her tight. "You are a good girl Allie. I'll never forget what you did for me and Maggie when we needed you. You leave with nothing but good wishes for your future."

Allie felt tears at the back of her eyes and had to blink them away before they could fall.

"Thank you Norris," she managed to say. "It means a lot to hear you say that. I'll tell Bea what is happening. I'll leave her well prepared to take over once I'm gone. She has shaped up nicely while I've been here and I recommend for her to be my replacement when I leave at the end of the week."

"A recommendation from you is good enough for me," Norris agreed.

"Daniel English has also improved a lot too. The recent tour with Hot Totty had been a great success. He's another who can be trusted with more now."

"Can I ask a favour please Norris," Allie paused, trying to pick her words carefully. "Please don't tell any of the acts that I'm leaving. Wait until after I've actually gone. You have a couple of meetings lined up with Take That in the next few weeks. The first next week."

Norris nodded. "If that's what you want Allie. You must have your reasons I understand. But if they do ask, where could they reach you?"

Allie shook her head. "I don't know at the moment Norris. I haven't decided. I just want to be alone for a while, gather my thoughts and make a plan for the future."

Allie did as she'd told Norris. She told Bea on her last day that she was leaving and that she'd left everything in order, just as Marjie had for her when she took over.

"But why?," Bea wanted to know. "Is it because of Peter?" She and Peter had had a talk about his past and his connection to Allie. "I haven't told anyone about him and you having been married. And I don't intend to. You need not worry about that."

"I know Bea, and thank you so much for that. In a way it does concern Peter but not as you may think. He brought home to me things I need to do, not to let it drift on. I've decided to take control of my life. How it will all work out eventually I don't know yet. But I need to make some drastic changes."

"Where will you go? How drastic a change are you going to make?" Bea knew that Allie must have good reasons behind all this. She was totally surprised by what she had just told her. She was going to miss working with her. She had learned a lot from her in the time she had been with the company.

Friday came and went. Allie left quietly, emptying her desk and leaving everything as when she had started. It was as if she had never been there. She and Bea shed a few tears as they made their farewells.

"If I can ever be of any help don't hesitate to get in touch with me," Bea told her as they hugged goodbye.

"I won't but somehow I think it will be ok once I find somewhere to live. I've put my place up for sale this week."

"What, you don't even know where you're going to live yet?" Bea asked shocked that her ultra organised boss hadn't arranged this. If her house was up for sale then she obviously meant that this was a permanent change.

"Well I'm going to share a place for a week or so with a friend from home. He's said that he knows of a cottage coming up for rent in a couple of weeks, so I'll be staying with him until then. It's in a little village near Manchester. Don't worry, it'll be fine, I promise you! Quite looking forward to it. It's so peaceful and quiet there. Will be able to get plenty of fresh air there and clear my thoughts. It's about time I had a break, for the meantime at least!"

Bea helped Allie to carry her office belongings down to her car and waved her off as she disappeared into the London traffic. An hour later she stopped at a service station to get something to eat and stretch her legs. As she got back into the car to resume her journey, her phone rang.

"Hi Joe, yes I'm on my way now. Should be with you in a couple of hours depending on the traffic. You sure about this? I can always stay in a hotel..."

"We've been over all this," Joe replied. "I wouldn't have offered if I was in any doubt. And anyway I'm going to be down in London for a few days next week, so you'll have the place to yourself. It is no trouble at all. The least I can do to help out a friend.You're going to love it here after being down south for so long."

"Thanks again," Allie told him gratefully. "It's going to feel strange being a lady of leisure at least for a while."

"Don't worry I'll make sure you don't get bored," Joe laughed. "Got a few jobs lined up that need a woman's touch! You were always a good cook for a start."

"Just make sure that the kettle is on for when I get there, could murder a good brew! These service stations just don't do them!"

It was dark and cold by the time Allie reached the little village of Deggle, on the outskirts of Saddleworth Moors. She could see the hills rising in the near distance, brooding and featureless. The village itself was ideally situated for Joe who had taken a cottage there after his divorce from Cath. It was close to Manchester so he could easily travel to London when he needed to. She found his cottage easily and pulled up outside, Joe coming to greet her as she did so.

"Welcome, you made it," he said as he enfolded her in a hug. "Come on in, that brew is waiting for you."

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