Chapter 18

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Allie reached out and turned off the alarm clock with a moan, her hand falling back to her forehead as she slowly came to after a deep and refreshing sleep. Turning to her side and silencing the alarm, she groped along for her phone, picking it up to see if anyone had been in touch yet. Telling herself that Marjie could have already called as she knew she was an early bird, she noticed that she did have one message, not from her but Howard.

"Got back late. 4. Thought it was a bit late to expect to see you. Catch up later. H." she read and grinned in satisfaction.

Still smiling she showered and dressed before going down to join Bea in the dining room.

Everyone was back at work as usual, going about their jobs and trying to act as if nothing unpleasant had happened the day before. One or two of the girls came to Allie individually during the day, wanting to say sorry for the part they'd played in the night out debacle.

Clare kept a wide berth, managing a frosty half smile in Allie's direction as they passed each other outside one of the practice rooms.

"Hi!" Allie had said easily, a smile on her face as they'd passed. She was doing her best to be generous to her, knowing that their latest exchange had ended in her favour.

She went into the office where Bea was on the phone and waved her over to take it as she came to her desk.

"Daniel," she whispered to her as she passed over the receiver.

"Daniel, hi! What can I do for you?" Allie enquired and listened to his response, her brow slightly furrowed as she did so. "Hmm well I suppose we can arrange that easily enough and it would help them to see more directly what we're aiming at wouldn't it? Ok, be here for 4.30 and then we can show them around, or you can take them yourself if you'd like to. Think the guys will be around too at that time, they could have a chat with them as well if you like."

A couple of minutes later and it was all arranged. Daniel and the girls, Mindy, Elise and Shauna, would come to the office later that afternoon and Allie would start them on their tour.

"He sounds very keen on improving their show," said Bea once Allie had finished the phone call. "He was full of praise for you you know! Seems to think that you're the Queen of Organisation!"

"I've had very little to do with it as you well know," said Allie. "It's sort of what's evolved over the last couple of tours the guys have had along with years of expertise from Norris and Marjie. You and I know that Bea."

Daniel and the girls arrived right on time at four thirty and after a brief welcome, Allie took them all along to meet Gary, Howard, Jason and Mark. They were eating in their private relaxation room that day, a table loaded with things to eat was arranged at one side of the room along with all kinds of various non alcoholic drinks. Leading them into the room, Allie stood to one side, telling them to help themselves to the refreshments.

"Hi girls," Mark greeted them cheerfully as they came into the room, giving each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Welcome to the Circus!"

"Aye in more ways than one!" Gary added as he too gave them a hug in welcome.

Mindy, Elise and Shauna, followed Daniel shyly into the room, obviously overawed at being in the same place as four such famous people despite their warm welcome.

Jason stood up and came to introduce himself and Howard to them, telling them to help themselves to drinks and something to eat.

"Come and get comfy," he said, patting the seat at the side of him and smiling at Shauna, a tall slim blonde girl with huge blue eyes. She didn't need to be told twice and perched herself daintily at the side of him, her long legs showed off to perfection by the mini skirt she was wearing. Jason smiled one of his most brilliant smiles as she settled beside him.

Too Many Words to Sayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें