Chapter 100

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I'm woken up to Katie shouting something excitedly at Jess.

I get out of bed and go downstairs to see what she is shouting about.

"Katie why are you so loud it's early" I groan

"AYO WE MOVE TODAY" Katie shouts

"Have you even packed your stuff yet" Jess asks Katie

"Yes I have actually"

Katie then see's Dev coming downstairs so she runs over to her.

I look over at Jess and she smiles at me.

"I will never understand where all of Katie's energy comes from" I giggle

"Neither it's crazy"

Just then the front door opens and Nour walks in.

"Hey Nour" me and Jess smile

"Hey girls, you ready to start moving"




Okay so moving is actually really hard and I am exhausted.

Luckily I only have one more box left to go.

Although I can't pick it up it is way too heavy for me.

"You need help" Jess asks making me jump

"Where did you come from" I ask

"Well I kinda saw you struggling with that box so I thought I'd offer my help"

"I'm not struggling"

"Whatever you say" Jess smirks and leans against the doorframe in my room

I try and pick the box up once more but I can't.

"Okay yes please I do need your help" I say

"Thought you did Cudmore"

Jess comes over and picks the box up with ease.

I gasp and my mouth hangs open.

"You might want to shut your mouth otherwise you'll catch flies"

"But how that box is so heavy" I say

"It's not that bad"

"Jeez I need to get in the gym more"

"When do you next go" I ask

"Every other day"

"Every other day since when" I say in shock

"Starting tomorrow, I need to start going regularly again"

"Can I come with you tomorrow" I ask

"Of course Cudmore" she smiles and then walks downstairs with the box I couldn't lift myself

I walk downstairs as well and get Pluto ready.

I go outside with Pluto and put him into my car and then get in the drivers side.

I put in the address that Nour gave me for the new house and start driving there.

On the way I go to Starbucks and get all the girls a drink.

Eventually I arrive at the new house, and wow it is amazing so much better than the old house.

"AYO THIS HOUSE IS AMAZING" Katie shouts as she runs over to my car

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