Chapter 110

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"Do we get to say goodbye" I ask through sobs

"Yes of course, get your friends in today to say one last goodbye"


"I'm going to say goodbye now I-I can't be here when she goes" Tanya cries

"We'll leave you to say goodbye" Anna says

Me and Anna leave the room and wait outside.

"It's okay" Anna says and tears fall down her cheeks


Anna hugs me and I breakdown in her arms.

"I hate this universe why did they have to take the one thing I cared and loved the most away from me" I cry into Anna's chest

Anna hugs me tighter and I cry more.

"I'm not ready to lose her not yet" I cry 

Just then Tanya walks out the hospital room Jess is in and I can tell she's been crying.

"I'm going to go and get an Uber to the hotel I'm staying in" she says

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you" Anna asks

"No, thank you for the offer though I just want to be alone for a bit"

Me and Anna both hug her and then she leaves.

"I'll go get the girls" Anna says

"Yeah I'll stay here and say goodbye" I sniff

I hug Anna and then she leaves, I go back into Jess's room and sit down beside her and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry it has to end like this bub, but I just want you to know I love you so much, words can't describe how much love I have for you and I don't think I will ever love anyone else as much as I love you"

"I'm still sorry that I fucked up and cheated maybe none of this would've happened of I hadn't cheated"

"I don't really know how I'm going to cope not being able to see your smile that melts my heart everyday or your beautiful deep blue eyes that light up everytime someone makes you happy, or hear your laugh and your voice"

"I really don't think I will be able to cope but I will for you Jess, and I'll always look up at the stars knowing that you'll be up there"

"I know this isn't goodbye forever because I will see you again it's just the not knowing how long I won't see you for"

I rest my head on her stomach and cry even harder.

"I love you Jess, I always will"

Anna POV

I start driving back to Jah but my vision is kinda blurry from the tears.

This world is so fucked up.

I don't know what I'll do without Jess, she's like my sister I never had she's always there for me and now she's just going to be gone.

I don't know how any of us are going to cope, but especially Eva this is going to destroy her.

I arrive back at Jah and run inside tears streaming down my face.

"Boon" Katie says concerned and runs over

The other girls look towards me and see me crying causing them to run over too.

"What's happened" Daisy asks

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