The Doctor's Daughter 3

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"I'm your daughter."

Jenny looked from Terry to the Doctor, who remained somewhat stunned.

Terry was much more satisfied as she turned to the Doctor and said, "See? She's like us. A Time Lord."

"What's a Time Lord?" Jenny asked, frowning.

But the Doctor surprised her by being the one to reply although he backed away from her slowly as he spoke.

"It's who I am. It's where I'm from."

The Doctor leant heavily against the wall and Terry took his hand while Jenny pointed out, "And I'm from you."

"You're an echo, that's all."

The Doctor's voice was sharp as he looked at Jenny darkly, and Donna was shocked to see what looked like tears starting to form in the Time Lord's eyes.

"A Time Lord is so much more. A sum of knowledge, a code, a shared history, a shared suffering."

"Doctor." Terry murmured, and the Doctor broke off, turning his head away from Jenny.

Terry tightened her hand around his and the Doctor gazed at her with such pain in his brown eyes that she briefly wished she hadn't told him the truth; but Terry banished that thought quickly. Saving the Doctor from heartache wasn't going to save him in the long-run. And Jenny would ultimately do his broken hearts more good than he yet knew.

Jenny looked uncertainly between the two Time Lords, who seemed to be communicating silently just by their eyes.

"What happened?" Jenny asked tentatively after a moment.

"There was a war." The Doctor replied curtly, and Jenny tried again, "Like this one?"

The Doctor laughed without humour before he replied. "Bigger. Much bigger."

"And you fought, and killed?" Jenny asked, looking from Terry to the Doctor.

Terry shook her head in response while the Doctor replied shortly, "Yes."

Jenny stared at the man who had rejected her the hardest since her creation, the one who was turning out to be more alike to Jenny than the woman who had embraced her almost instantly.

"Then how are we different?" Jenny asked the Doctor.

He didn't reply. Terry placed a hand around his neck and pulled him gently down to her level. He went willingly enough and Terry pressed her forehead to his, meeting his troubled brown eyes with her own steady ones.

"I know what this looks like to you." She said for the Doctor, and the Doctor alone. "I know what she reminds you of. But Theta, none of that is her fault. She is your daughter, not an echo of your past."

The Doctor's brows furrowed unhappily but Terry gently tilted his chin up so they were nose to nose.

"Don't be afraid." Terry said softly, maintaining eye contact with the Doctor. "I'm right here with you if you need me."

She kissed his forehead before releasing him. The Doctor sighed but he nodded slightly. Sensing some kind of acceptance, however limited or reluctant on the Doctor's part, Donna and Jenny started to plan aloud once more.

"We still need a plan to get out of here."

Donna gestured around the cell, and Jenny piped up, "I have an idea."

"We're not killing-" The Doctor began, but Jenny shook her head.

"It's not." She promised, before she told them her plan.

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