Smith and Jones 2

493 31 5

The Doctor was getting nowhere with the computer he was sonicing when Martha ran into the office.

"They've reached the third floor." Martha warned urgently before she stopped as she stared at the Doctor.

"What's that thing?" Martha pointed at the Doctor's screwdriver.

"Sonic screwdriver." The Doctor replied as he tried to access the database and came up blank again.

Martha frowned. "Well, if you're not going to answer me properly-"

"No, it really is just that." Terry explained from where she remained sitting on the desk, swinging her legs absently. "He was bored."

Martha's brow rose and she eyed the Doctor.

"What else have you got, a laser spanner?"

"I did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst, cheeky woman." The Doctor replied absently before he smacked the computer in frustration.

"Oh, this computer! The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the moon."

He ruffled his air in his agitation. Terry smoothed it calmly and took the sonic from him to work on the computer instead while the Doctor continued irritably to no one.

"Because I was just travelling past. I swear, I was just wandering. I wasn't looking for trouble, honestly, I wasn't, but I noticed these plasma coils around the hospital, and that lightning, that's a plasma coil. Been building up for two days now, so I checked in. I thought something was going on inside. It turns out the plasma coils were the Judoon up above."

The Doctor finally stopped for breath and Martha wondered aloud, "But what were they looking for?"

"Something that looks human, but isn't." The Doctor answered absently as he watched Terry work.

Martha looked between the two Time Lords, still a little skeptical.

"Like you, apparently."

"Like us. But not us." The Doctor replied and Martha shook her head.

"Haven't they got a photo?"

"Might be a shape-changer." The Doctor countered and Martha threw up her hands.

"Whatever it is, can't you just leave the Judoon to find it?"

The Doctor shook his head.

"If they declare the hospital guilty of harbouring a fugitive, they'll sentence it to execution."

"All of us?" Martha exclaimed.

"Oh, yes." The Doctor answered absently before he frowned at Terry. "Wait, what are you doing? Why are you trying to access the backup?"

"Because of this." Terry answered as she showed him what happened when she simply tried to access the database. The Doctor groaned in exasperation.

"Oh, they're thick! Judoon are thick! They are completely thick!"

"What's wrong?" Martha asked and Terry pointed to the screen which was marked by a Judoon symbol.

"They wiped the records." She explained while the Doctor shook his head.

"Oh, that's clever." He muttered sarcastically and Martha looked between them anxiously.

"What are we looking for?" She demanded and the Doctor shrugged.

"I don't know." He ran his fingers through his hair again. "Say, any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms."

He watched Terry trying to pull the back-up while Martha turned on her heel.

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