Terry's Choice

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"You're a manifestation of his fear and my fear to come."

The Dream Lord just sat back and looked at Terry for a long time.

"You still haven't answered my original question." The Dream Lord said at last, her gaze shrewd and giving away nothing. And in doing so, giving away everything to someone who knew the Doctor as well as Terry did.

"Who am I supposed to be?"

"You're something bad..." Terry said slowly. "And, at the very least, the Doctor thinks you are because he's afraid of you."

"And of course anything the Doctor's afraid of must be bad." The Dream Lord taunted. But Terry shook her head.

"No," Terry disagreed. "But I know you must represent something bad because otherwise the 'Dream Lord' wouldn't be feeding off of you. But you're clearly also me."

"So?" The Dream Lord asked a tad impatiently.

That gave Terry the clue she needed. Because of the Dream Lord's tone, she was tempted to rush her conclusion. But now, she knew she needed to think broader. Despite her claims, the Dream Lord wasn't interested in whether Terry could answer who she was. She wanted Terry to figure out who she herself was.

"So, I'm a Time Lady who somehow manages to jump through space and time without a TARDIS or vortex manipulator." Terry said aloud. As she'd anticipated, the Dream Lord was suddenly fully focused on her.

"Except that's impossible." Terry said the obvious out loud and the words ringing in her own ears sparked the realization.

"Conclusion? There's a time vortex inside me... and something else. Something that controls time and space itself."

As the words left her mouth, a memory returned to her. Terry's eyes lost focus as memories flooded her mind, the memories that she'd been unable to fully recall. Until now.

"That's how I was able to do it. That's what happened at Lake Silencio."

Terry was screaming in agony as every cell in her body felt like it was burning, burning along with the universe and all of reality as a destructive white light enveloped everything they knew. A white light that was contained in a burst of gold energy - gold energy that was coming from her.

"I was holding time together, but that shouldn't be possible - just like it shouldn't be possible to just travel across time and space."

Terry gasped as she landed in the console room across from the Eleventh Doctor, startling him.

"Angel?" He asked warily, watching as the whispers of gold light leaks into Tardis blue before disappearing altogether. Terry opened blue eyes, blinked and then swayed as she fainted into the Doctor's arms, her memory of the Judoon retreat locking itself away along with the thrumming power that had gripped her. A power she had felt before.

Terry raised her gaze and stared right into the gold eyes of her mirrored image.

"You're her."

It was cold on the floor - so cold. And yet, somehow, it was also extremely hot as every inch of Terry felt like it was on fire. But it didn't hurt; it was just... there. That was strange - and then almost like in a dream, Terry stood but it wasn't her that was standing.

And then she was facing them - the headless monks. They were bad; they were there because a good man had gone to war. Something pulsed from deep within but not from her chest; from her mind. And a voice echoed in her head.

'Demons run when a good man goes to war.'


At Terry's words, the Dream Lord's lip curled into a humorless smile.

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