Rise of the Cybermen

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Terry stretched delicately as she slipped out of bed, shaking off the residual drowsiness of a good night's sleep. It had been a long time since she had slept as well as she had, snuggled in the Doctor's arms. For once, she had woken up before him, and she would have been content to watch him sleep for the rest of eternity if her stomach hadn't growled and forced her up. The Doctor grumbled when Terry gently slid out of his embrace, making her smile down at the way his forehead creased. Pausing only to press a gentle kiss on his forehead, melting the slight frown there, Terry headed for the bathroom for a quick wash before she went in search of food.

However, Terry had only just pulled on her clothes after her refreshing shower, when she was surrounded by familiar blue light. Reaching out, Terry managed to grab her yellow scarf and black oxfords just before she disappeared, leaving the Eleventh Doctor sleeping peacefully in his bed.

As it was, she was still barefoot with her shoes in one hand and her scarf in the other as she materialized. The good news though, was that Terry had landed in the Tardis once more and she smiled when she saw she was not alone.


Ten beamed and waved to her as soon as she appeared, bounding to his feet and striding over to her. Terry waved back, glad she'd had the foresight of removing her wedding ring and putting it on a necklace before her shower. That would have been awkward to explain to this Doctor.

"Hello, Sweetie."

Terry smiled warmly back at the Doctor, before turning her attention to Rose. The blonde moved out from behind the Doctor, although Terry noted the way Rose seemed to pause before the blonde smiled back at her.

Mickey, however, was flat out staring from his spot by the console, so Terry surmised, "Mickey, I'm guessing you haven't met this me yet."


Mickey hesitated and Rose admitted, "None of us have."

Terry's eyes widened and she turned to the Doctor in surprise.

"Really?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Only knew it was you from the way you appeared." He explained, and Terry stilled.

If the Doctor and Rose had never met this regeneration, it also meant Terry would never see Nine again – and she hadn't even known it at the time that it would be the last time she'd see him. And it had been such a long time ago too... Her hearts clenched painfully.

And Terry realized as she hugged Rose that this was just the beginning – she might one day just stop seeing Rose, or Mickey, or any of the others. And she might never be aware of it. Terry wondered vaguely what would happen in her future – she clearly didn't get to be involved in all of the Doctor's episodic adventures (since she hadn't jumped into quite a few of Nine's). What would happen when she ran out of jumping time? Or was it that she died permanently in her future? That was a depressing thought and not something that needed to be addressed yet; Terry filed it away as she returned her attention to her friends.

"So," Terry began as she looked around, "this your first time meeting third me?"


The Doctor popped the 'p' and Terry smiled at him fondly while Rose chuckled.

"It's so weird, because we've just come from when you first met us." The blonde admitted.

Terry stared blankly back at the companion, not understanding right away, before her eyes widened and she laughed.

"Oh, dear." Terry chuckled as the others laughed with her. "That feels like ages ago... Well, it was ages ago, but it feels even longer."

"How old are you now?" Rose asked curiously and Terry gave a small laugh.

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