Asylum of the Daleks 2

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"Rory. Rory!"

Rory groaned as something shook his shoulder. It wasn't Amy, the hushed voice was all wrong and besides... he and Amy hadn't shared a bed in months.

"Rory. Wake up. Wake up!"

Something hit him, hard, in the arm and Rory's eyes flew open. That felt like Amy - and there was only one other person who it could be. Rory scrambled up, rubbing his arm as he found himself staring into familiar blue eyes.

"Terry, what-?!"

Rory cut off as Terry covered his mouth hastily with her hands, silencing him as she glanced around warily. Rory followed her gaze and he gulped as he found himself in a dark chamber with water dripping from the ceiling... and filled with a whole cluster of unmoving Daleks.

"I take it we're in the Asylum?" Rory muttered in a low voice once Terry had removed her hands from his mouth.

"You would be correct." Terry whispered as she gingerly got to her feet. Rory stood beside her, staring intently at the inanimate Daleks.

"Are they... alive?" Rory asked slowly as he carefully moved toward one.

"Who knows? But can't hurt to be careful when you're on a planet filled with insane Daleks that the Daleks are scared of." Terry muttered as she looked around. "Oh, by the way, I wouldn't remove that wristband. The air is filled with the Dalek nanocloud - if you get exposed to it for too long, you'll be converted into a Dalek. That wristband is the only thing shielding you."

"What?" Rory gaped, turning away from the Dalek he had touched only to find it unresponsive. "Why would they have that kind of thing?"

"Security measure. Anything organic becomes part of the security if exposed for long enough." Terry grumbled. "So whatever you do, don't take that off."

She was still squinting into the darkness and Terry asked, "Do you have a light?"

"Uh, yeah." Rory dug into his pocket and pulled out a small penlight. He shone it around and the pair slowly took stock of the extent of the room.

"Where do you think the Doctor and Amy are?" Rory asked and Terry scoffed.

"You only ask now? Knew something was wrong with you two, usually that would have been the first thing you asked."

Rory shot Terry a look.

"Do you know this adventure?"

"Does it make a difference if I don't?" Terry countered and Rory frowned.

"Even if you don't know it, you knew about us, didn't you?" Rory guessed. "You knew this was where we were headed, from the first day we met."

Terry didn't bother to deny it.

"I knew this would happen at some point, yes. And I also know what is going to happen if you pretend like you're okay with separating from the love of your life."

"She kicked me out. Okay?" Rory answered sharply. "She kicked me out, she's the one who stopped loving me and gave up on us. It's not like I want to divorce her!"

"Yeah, just remember that." Terry answered and Rory grabbed her arm. She turned to face him as Rory stared at her without a hint of his usual good humour or warmth.

"I still love her." Rory told Terry in a low voice. "I always have. I always will. But we're not like you and the Doctor."

Rory let Terry's arm go and turned away.

"We weren't meant to be."

Something thudded deep inside Terry at that and it was her turn to grasp Rory. But instead of his arm, she took his hand and her gaze was soft when he turned to look at her again.

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