The Pandorica Opens 2

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"So why would it start to open now?"

"No idea." The Doctor replied shortly as he continued to stare thoughtfully at the Pandorica.

"Ahem." Amy cleared her throat to remind them all of her presence. She cocked a brow. "And how could Vincent have known about it? He won't even be born for centuries."

The Doctor and Terry paused as Amy raised a good question. The Doctor started to sonic around the stonewalls.

"The stones." He realized. "These stones are great big transmitters, broadcasting a warning to everyone, everywhere, to every time zone. The Pandorica is opening."

At once, Terry's eyes went wide. River was just as alarmed and she asked sharply, "Doctor, everyone everywhere?"

"Even poor Vincent heard it, in his dreams." The Doctor went on, ignoring River. "But what's in there? What could justify all this?"

"Doctor, everyone?" River repeated urgently. Again the Doctor talked over her.

"Anything that powerful, I'd know about it." The Doctor's eyes flickered over to Terry again. This time she saw his look and her brow shot up as she realized what he was talking about. But she had a more important question.

"Why don't I know?" The Doctor was saying when Terry cut across him.

"Doctor, River's got a point. You said everyone could hear it." She said sternly.

The Doctor started to nod before he abruptly stopped as he realized what had already occurred to River and Terry.

"So who else is coming?" Terry asked aloud as the Doctor's face flooded with horror.

"Oh." He whispered, confirming River and Terry's fears.

"Oh? Oh, what?" Amy asked, but the other three were already getting busy.

River turned to the walls as she said shakily, "Okay. If it is basically a transmitter, we should be able to fold back the signal."

She placed her computer on the wall as the Doctor dashed to a wall, calling to River as he soniced it, "Doing it."

"Doing what?" Amy demanded, and Terry turned to the companion.

"Stonehenge is transmitting, out to the whole universe. Loud enough that Vincent heard from centuries into the future. So, who knows who else has heard."

Amy's mouth fell open as she finally understood.

"Okay, should be feeding back to you now." The Doctor called over to River. "River, what's out there? Getting anything?"

"Give me a moment." River replied shortly and the Doctor snapped impatiently, "River, quickly. Anything?"

"I said, give me a moment!" River snapped back, annoyed. "Seriously, angel, how do you put up with him?"

"He makes up for it tenfold." Terry answered briskly as the Doctor demanded, "River, have you got a reading yet?"

At River's irate look, Terry added, "Most of the time. River, anything?"

River turned back to her computer and her face fell as she read the results flashing on her screen.

"Around this planet there are at least... ten thousand starships." River sounded like she was questioning her own eyes.

"At least?" Amy repeated weakly while Terry asked, "River, are you sure?"

"Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, I don't know. There's too many readings." River admitted as she tried to keep up with the information her computer was now giving her. The Doctor meanwhile was looking up at the ceiling.

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