The Pandorica Opens

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Terry landed at her new destination mid-yawn and holding an empty glass. She looked down at her glass glumly - at least let her pour some drinking water first. But her mood brightened when Eleven poked his head around the console.

"Angel!" Eleven greeted in a mix of delight and surprise, for she was looking rather disheveled in what looked like 1600s sleepwear and with her long dark hair mussed up with a bad case of bedhead.

"Hello." Terry smiled while hastily trying to brush her hair with her fingers.

Quickly deciding it was a lost cause, Terry scooped her around behind her with the hair tie she'd thankfully had the foresight to leave around her wrist. She really should have known. After squeezing in another brief adventure following their encounter with the Ood, Donna had needed to sleep. And the Doctor, despite going at least two weeks without sleep, had insisted he was fine so the Time Lords had gone off on what was supposed to be a quick date... which had turned out to be slightly more complicated. It really shouldn't have surprised Terry considering she knew what trouble her as-yet-to-be-husband could get into. But when he was grinning impishly with his hand held out to her, it was virtually impossible for her not to take his hand and run with him. Well, she was paying for it now... Or rather, someone else was going to.

"Where've you come from then?" The Doctor asked curiously, and Terry's expression turned sheepish.

"1665." She explained. "We, er, just met Pierre de Fermat... and I have a really bad feeling you're going to sleep in in the morning and poor Fermat's going to be caught in that duel."


The Doctor's eyes lit up with understanding and a sheepish look crossed his face as well.

"Yes... I didn't wake up in the morning, unfortunately. A rather bad day following an exceptional night, I'm afraid." He admitted just as Amy came out from under the Tardis console.

"Do you two really have to talk about your sex lives while other people can hear?" The redhead demanded. Terry just grinned.

"Hello, Amy. Sorry, didn't realize you were right there." Terry glanced around curiously. "Where's Rory?"

Amy frowned. "Who?"

"Oh..." Terry caught the Doctor's grimace. Realizing when this had to be, she muttered, "Never mind. Uh, spoilers."

Amy's frown deepened but Terry hastily moved on.

"So, what were you two up to before I got here?"

"Ah," the Doctor beamed while Amy eyed her friends suspiciously. But she didn't say anything in the face of one of Terry's spoilers and instead she listened as the Doctor explained excitedly.

"Planet One. Don't know why I haven't thought of it before."

"What is Planet One?" Terry asked, curious as she'd never heard of it before.

"The oldest planet in the universe." The Doctor explained as he stared for the doors. "And there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time."

Instantly, he had his audience's full attention. Terry was already walking toward the doors with Amy following while the Doctor grinned at them.

"And no one knows what it says, because no one's ever translated it. Until today."

"What happens today?" Amy asked excitedly as she and Terry reached the doors beside the Doctor.

"Us." The Doctor revealed, patting the Tardis's wall fondly. "The Tardis can translate anything."

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