Chapter 2- A New Home

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        Daryl wakes up with the first rays of sunlight, and rises to his feet "Fuck!" He growls under his breath. Like the last idiot, he fell asleep next to someone unknown. He looks around between the trees, his mind trying to jump into high gear. Raven looks up at him and smiles softly "Good morning, sunshine. How did you sleep?" She asks, making sure her motorcycle is ready to go and she has her things. Her wrist is wrapped in bandages, but the sleeves of her leather jacket cover it, but occasionally the sleeve rolls up slightly, hoping he won't notice. Daryl snorts under his breath at the term 'sunshine', mumbling something under his breath. He throws his crossbow over his shoulder and starts towards his motorcycle, which he had hidden the previous day. He needs to get to Alexandria so his family won't worry about him. Raven watches him and sighs. "Okay, so I'm not a morning person, I guess," She says, walking with him and the motorcycle. She watches his every move. "So why are you letting me come back with you to your group?" She asks him. "Everyone deserves a group." He mutters under his breath and slips into the ditch where his motorcycle lies covered by branches.

He pulls it out of the ditch and pushes it into the street. He tries to start it, but when he fails he kicks it away angry at his stupidity. He was supposed to review it last time, but he had to hunt and didn't have time to do it, and now it's getting its revenge on him. Raven looks at him and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't deserve a group," She says quietly and follows him, putting the motorcycle on the road and staring at it. She walks over to the motorcycle and looks at it, trying to figure out what is wrong with it. "Maybe we can get some parts from my motorcycle to fix this one. Or you could just take my motorcycle." She says looking at him. "Why don't you deserve a group?" He asks as he furrows his brow.

Raven looks at him and looks down, crossing her arms and leaning against her motorcycle. "I've never been a people person. And I've never actually had anyone in the first place." She says slightly looking up at him. "Hey," He walks towards her unsteadily, putting the motorcycle to a stop earlier. "I know how it feels to be a loner, I know what it's like to avoid people. Don't worry, it'll be fine." He says as he looks into her eyes, and a very small smile appears on his lips. Raven looks into his eyes and blushes softly at his smile and smiles softly back at him. "Thanks, Daryl. I'm just going to be to myself for a while." She says

Daryl nods grabs the motorcycle and pushes it towards Alexandria. "Come on, I don't have all day." He mutters. Raven rolls her eyes, takes her motorcycle, and walks beside him, staring ahead and looking around. She hasn't been on the road or out of the woods for a while now, avoiding the roads as much as she can expect to get into the town. After a few hours, the walls of Alexandria appear before her eyes "Finally" He groans. "I'll take you to Rick" He glances at her out of the corner of his eye.

He considers taking her to his house so she can feel at least a little peace. He snorts to himself and nods for Rosita to open the gate. Raven looks around and stays a little behind him, unsure about being with new people. Honestly, she trusts and feels more comfortable with Daryl, even though she doesn't know him at all knowing they just met. "New?" Carl shouts from the platform. Daryl rolls his eyes, "Where is your father?" He asks. The boy nods towards his house. "Come on Rose, you're going to meet Rick. You need to talk to him before he puts you in the house" He says as he pushes the motorcycle towards his house. On the way, you are stopped by Aaron. "Are you trying to find people without me?" He asks grinning from ear to ear.

Raven follows him and puts on her hood, hiding her face, not wanting to be overwhelmed by people, she keeps her arms crossed, closed over her chest, and looks down, hiding her face more. If this is too much for her, she'd better be outside these walls. Rick sits with Judith in his arms in a rocking chair on the footbridge of the house. He perks up at the sight of Daryl grinning from ear to ear. He wrinkled his brow at the sight of Raven. He holds the baby in his arms. Raven walks behind Daryl, glancing lightly at the man on the porch and then looking back at Daryl, she wants to stay as close to Daryl as she can. "It's just a short conversation," Daryl turns to you, "I'll stay with you if you want." He says as he moves a little closer to you, but not enough to invade your personal space. Raven smiles softly and nods at him knowing that she is supposed to feel comfortable and safe, but she does so with uncertainty. She looks at Rick and nods. "Hi," She says softly. "Hey," He says as he walks down the stairs "I'm Rick, how are you?" He asks her as Judith looks over his shoulders with joy, laughing at Daryl who embraces her while standing next to Rick.

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