Chapter 8- The First Time

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Smut will be in this Chapter

Daryl falls to the floor next to the couch, panting hard. "That prick must have broken my rib because it hurts like hell." He says. Raven quickly walks up to him and worries "Daryl let me look at you please we have medical supplies in our backpack and can at least help." She says putting her hand on his shoulder. "Ok." He nods. Raven looks him in the eye and nods as she slowly pulls up his shirt and sees the bruises she wrinkled her brow. "Oh Daryl God I'm so sorry." She says as she starts lightly touching him to make sure nothing is broken. "Hey." He says touching her cheek and lifting her head to his eyes. "It's just bruised, I'm a tough motherfucker." He strokes her cheek with his thumb. "they're just ribs, they'll heal." He says

Raven smiles softly, blushes, and closes her eyes resting her face against his palm. "Well, the ribs aren't broken, but they're probably bruised. We can stay here and rest for a few days. If we need food, I'll go hunting." She says looking him in the eyes. "Thank you." He whispers, looking deep into her eyes. Raven looks into his eyes smiles softly and blushes. She kisses his forehead and moves away from him, still staring at him. "Hey" He holds her cheek so she doesn't move too far away, he gently gets up and smacks her on the lips. Gently, more like a peck than a kiss. He pulls away from her and smiles uncertainty,

Raven reciprocates the kiss and blushes, staring into his eyes, then smiles and leans in, kissing him again, placing her hand on his cheek and neck. Daryl embraces her cheek with his large hand and tries to deepen the kiss, needing to take his mind off the pain that is searing through his body. Raven deepens the kiss runs her fingers through his hair and wraps her arm around his neck. She also does it as gently as possible so as not to hurt him. Daryl pulls her into his lap and wraps his arms around her torso, pulling her tighter but hissing in pain.

Raven pulls away from the kisses and looks into his eyes. "Daryl, I wanted to tell you how I feel about you. I feel a bond with you and I've fallen in love with you." She says, having her hands on his face and holding him. Daryl stares into her eyes, drawing her in for another kiss, but this time softer. Full of order, tenderness, and peace, he pulls away after a moment. "Raven I don't know how I feel about you, I don't know how to recognize it all. I don't know how to be loved and how to love. It all happens so fast, I just need some time to figure it out, okay?" He asks her.

Raven returns the kiss as he kisses her and she blushes stares into his eyes and smiles softly "Of course Daryl, I'll be waiting for you. In the meantime, I have this for you." She says as she takes it out of her pocket and shows him the bracelet. "I found this and thought of you." She says smiling softly. "You are impossible, Raven." Daryl laughs, making his ribs hurt.

He takes the bracelet in his hand and slides it over the silver crossbow. He grabs her hand and exposes her wrist. "Why don't you wear it so the others know an archer is hanging around?" He slips it over her hand and pulls the strings. Raven looks him in the eye, smiles, and giggles. "Sure Dixon, why not, I also have a vest in my bag that I can wear too. And believe me, Daryl Dixon no one else could take your place." She smiled holding his hand and blushed. "Then how about I write 'Mrs. Dixon' on your forehead right away?" He laughs and grabs him by the ribs.

Raven blushes red and smiles hearing her say it, "I like the sound of that." She says softly as she stares at him. Daryl laughs and blushes at the same time. "You need to hide the motorcycle, no one can know we're here, if someone comes I can't defend you" Raven smiles, standing up and looking at him. "You know I can handle it. I'll go hide the motorcycle and go get some food. You stay here and rest." She says kissing his forehead and heading for the door. "Be careful out there." He says smiling slightly at her, Raven smiles looking back at him, and nods and winks at him "You know that." She says leaving and grabs a few branches and leaves to cover the bike. She goes back into town and goes to the store grabs some canned goods and bottles of water and heads back towards the cabin. Daryl meanwhile lays down on the couch, assumes a comfortable position, covers his eyes with his arm, and tries to relax for a while. Raven keeps walking towards the cabin and she kills a few walkers on her way back the cabin is in the distance. She sees that it is getting dark and the sun is setting. And she takes a deep breath and feels the.

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