Chapter 12- The Quarrel

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        Everyone's eyes wrap around her but no one speaks. Daryl flexed his muscles "That was stupid of you" He growled and moved towards her "What were you thinking?" He asks. Raven quickly backs away looks down and shakes her head slightly afraid of him. She stays silent. She doesn't want to break down and starts going crazy like she did in the cell knowing she won't be able to control it if it happens again. Daryl stops as if startled, she's afraid of him. He backs up and just walks away from her with a quick step. If she's afraid of him, he can't be near her. Raven looks at him walks away takes off her bracelet and throws it at him. "I DID IT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU I DID IT TO PROTECT YOU!!!" She yells and then runs away crying.

Daryl runs out of The Kingdom, straight into the forest, he must be alone. It's all over before it starts. Raven goes into an empty house with things nobody lives there and starts screaming and starts breaking shit around and she starts going insane and her other personality comes out and smirks and laughs as she keeps breaking things. When he heard walkers, he got up and looked in his direction. He moved at him with nothing but a knife, he needed to vent, to beat, to scream. He needed to take his emotions out on someone. She fell to the ground feeling the blood drip from her hand and lay down feeling the pain that she used to give herself. Missing the feeling she just lays there not wanting to take care of her wound.

Carol knew what was happening but she let each of them go through it their own way. She didn't want to interfere even though she knew her friends were hurting. Raven just feels numb and she doesn't have her bracelet on to mess with as she lays there. She would rather just slowly lose blood and slowly die. Daryl, covered in blood, returns to The Kingdom, painting with exertion but rid of his bad emotions. Raven lay there in the empty house with her eyes closed losing her blood. She felt numb and surrounded by the debris of the things she had broken. Carol finally breaks and goes into the house where Raven is. She sees the things that Raven has destroyed. She screams and searches the room. Raven opens her eyes slightly and feels weak and getting pale.

She finally finds her in the bathroom "Jesus Raven what have you done" She rushes to her. She looks for the wound from which the blood is flowing, but it is difficult to locate anything in all the blood "Help!" She screams at the top of her lungs. Raven looks at her and smirks slightly "I broke the mirror and it shattered just... like... me" She says slowly passing out. "Come on Raven, hold on please honey," She was almost crying. She was holding back the blood with her T-shirt. "Help!" She screamed. Raven looks at her and smiles softly "Just let me die, Carol." She says as she passes out "Not on my watch" She growled, and finally Rick arrived. He grabbed her in his arms and carried her to the infirmary, on the way they met Daryl. "What happened to her?" He asks running up to them. "Go get yourself cleaned up and come to the infirmary" Rick growled.

Raven feels weaker and weaker and has a smile on her face knowing she might die. She felt terrible for hurting Daryl and leaving him but he didn't understand that she would risk herself for him that is what you do when you love someone. Her hands and knuckles were bleeding. Daryl ran to Carol's house washed off the blood and ran to the Infirmary, the sight he found froze his blood. There was blood all over the room, one of the doctors was stopping her bleeding. Daryl approached from the other side of the bed. She saw how pale and tired she was, her body was limp. He grasped her hand carefully and kissed her knuckles.

"Raven" He whispered Raven unconsciously, seeing life slowly flash in her eyes, seeing the bright light. Once her memories from meeting Daryl started she felt sadness in her heart. Her breathing was slow and her heartbeat was slightly weak. "Honey please" He dropped to his knees and put her hand to his forehead. "Please" Raven starts hearing Daryl trying to move and wake up but she can't and is too weak. She lost a lot of blood even if she made it she was going to be weak. Her mental health made her go crazy and she just wanted to kill something or someone even herself. "Save her" He looked at the doctor "Do something" He started to get desperate.

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