Chapter 14- An Unexpected Friend

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Short Chapter

Raven quickly hides in an unused room she locks the door behind her and goes into the bathroom finding bandages to cover her cut. Simon circles the corridors, knowing that if he finds her he needs to get out of there fast. That he can't go back because Negan will kill him. Raven looks in the mirror breathing heavily and sees the blood soaking the bandage and grips the sink and looks down trying to calm herself. She needs to be ready to fight to kill walkers or any Savior for her to escape.

The door to the room opens and there stands Simon. "Raven," He says looking around Raven has a knife in her hand, gripping it and being ready to attack, and then she sees Simon. "Simon. What are you doing?" She questions "Come on, I'll get you out of here, I'll take you to them," He says coming closer to you "I won't hurt you, I promise," He says, Raven steps away from him and shakes her head "He'll kill you if he finds out I can make it out on my own." She says "I'd rather die by Negan's hand than lose my balls to Daryl, you don't know this place, I know how to get you out," He says.

Raven looks at him unsure and looks into his eyes "I found an exit but walkers are surrounding this place there is no way out." She says "I'll bandage you up and walk you out, come on we don't have time," He says. Raven grabs his arm and nods as she knows she's getting weaker as she's losing blood. "Did you tell Daryl I was okay?" She asks "Yes," He nods. Simon quickly stops her bleeding, seals the wound with plasters, applies a lot of gauze, and wraps it with a bandage. Raven smiles softly tears up and hugs him after he bandages her up. "There will be time for tenderness later, but now let's get out of here while Negan has a meeting and isn't looking for you." He says.

Raven looks at him and nods "Why would he want me? He has multiple wives." She asks "This is as revenge for Daryl, he knows that if he has you it will hurt your group and especially Dixon," He says standing behind her back "You have to pretend to be a prisoner, it's the only way I can get you out of here, I'll try not to be violent," He says crossing her arms behind her back and squeezes them. Raven nods and does as she is told and when they see other Saviors she pretends to struggle in his arms to keep the act up. "Negan is in the conference room" One of them speaks up "I know" Simon nods "He told me to take her to the car because he's getting out of here," He says pulling her towards the garage under the whole building complex.

Raven keeps walking and keeps her head down and her eyes straight down making sure she follows him without showing suspicions. Simon opens one of the car doors and pushes her into the car "Lie down on the seat so no one can see you" He says looking around the garage. Raven nods and lays down and keeps herself hidden and she just closes her eyes. Simon opens the garage door and looks around to make sure it's safe. When he's sure there are only a few Saviors around, he opens the door, gets in the car, and drives off with a screech of tires. Raven keeps her head down as soon as they get far enough she sits up and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Simon, I can't thank you enough for sticking your neck out for me. Thank you." She says kissing his cheek softly "We haven't gotten to Rick and his group yet, but you're welcome," He smiles, blushing. "Daryl's lucky to have you." He says.

Raven smiles and blushes thinking about Daryl and tears up. "I didn't want him to see me get hurt like that. But I'm glad I know this group cares to try and rescue me. Simon if Negan finds out he will kill you. And I'm so sorry." She says "All right, I'm aware of that, I know that if he finds me, I'll be dead. That's why I'll take you to them and then I'll disappear." He says. Raven sighs and looks down "But what if he finds you and kills you? You can join our group and fight with us to defeat Negan." She says "I think Daryl doesn't want me around, anyway, and neither does Rick" He shakes his head and turns off into the forest road, there is a car and one motorcycle on the side of the road.

Raven looks at him and outside the car. "After you helped them they would let you join the group. I don't want to have the thought of you being out there and he finds you and kills you because of me." She says staring at him through the rearview mirror. "We'll see Raven." He smiles and stops beside the car. He turns off the engine and clasps his hands on the steering wheel a few times. From behind the carport out of the woods comes Tara, closely followed by Daryl. Raven looks around and sees Tara and then sees Daryl and turns to Simon and smiles at him and tears up and tries to calm herself down. "Go to them" He smiles and gets out of the car standing behind him, he doesn't want to expose himself. He doesn't know how they will react to him, Daryl as soon as he sees her he pushes past Tara to get to her as quickly as possible Raven gets out of the car and sees Daryl tears streaming down her cheek and she puts her hand on the car feeling slightly lightheaded a bit but she quickly walked towards him.

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