Chapter 16- Mrs. Dixon

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        "So after he heals we put him in a cell right?" She asks Rick "Yes, let him look at how people live away from his rule," He says. Raven nods and sighs "I will guard him while he is in the cell." She says "All the time?" He asks. Raven nods and looks over at Negan. "I'm the best one for the job so yeah I'll do it." She says "What about Daryl, do you want to move him away?" Rick sits down on the window sill and looks at her "He needs you now" He says.

Raven looks at him "This doesn't mean I don't want to be there for Daryl. I love him, and Daryl can help watch him too." She says "Raven I know he hurt you the same way he hurt Daryl. I..." He sighs. "I want to apologize to you." He says. Raven looks at him confused "For what?" She asks "For everything, for not saving Daryl when you asked me to. For letting that fucker hurt us all." He says tearing up. Raven looks at him and hugs him "You had every right to wait because of what he has done, and you have a family to look out for, and I'm so sorry you lost Carl." She says Rick at the mention of his son cries. He is so hurt by his son's death, that his passing was a blow to him "I did it for him, for him I told you to save him" He says.

Raven looks at him staring at him "That's why you saved him for Carl to make things right. Look, Rick, I hate this man with every fiber of my being. But I agree with you." She says "Daryl doesn't approve, neither does Maggie and neither do the others. Rosita hates me for it." He says. Raven nods "I can understand that but with us locking him up in a cell will be the best option we can become the people we don't want to be. Carl wanted us to work together." She says "I know," He nods, "Go and rest and I'll sit with him for a while." Raven looks at him and sighs "I can't sleep knowing Daryl is out there. I'll go check the prison cell to make sure it's prepared to put this bastard in there." She says "Good" He nods and smiles reassuringly "He will come back," He says.

Raven nods and walks to where the cell is and looks around. At least there's a little window and there are cell bars, not a big heavy door like at Sanctuary. Daryl, meanwhile, is ransacking stores looking for three specific things, he has to find them or he won't come home. Raven sits in the cell on the mattress on the floor and sighs knowing he will be in here for however long. Daryl returns after dark, parks the motorcycle in front of the house, turns off the engine, and sits on it for a while, staring at the space in front of him while biting his lower lip. The things in his backpack are suddenly heavy on his back, he knows it's a brave thing to do, but he's shaking inside. Raven just now walks out of the prison well walks outside sees Daryl and smiles softly. his palms sweating as he gets nervous breathes deeply and gets off the motorcycle. Raven smiles and starts walking towards him and looks into his eyes.

"Where the hell have you been?" She asks Daryl to jump up at the sound of her voice, he looks at her. "I had to leave for a while," He says as he motions to the house Raven looks at him confused and sighs. "I'm sorry darling, I talked with HIM." She says she notices he is nervous. "Are you doing okay?" She asks "Yes I'm ok " He nods slightly and smiles gently. "I'm not mad." He says.

Raven smiles softly "You seem like you have something on your mind?" She asks "I don't," says shaking his head "At all..." He says entering the house, takes his backpack with him to the basement. Raven watches him and looks confused. She just decides to go into the living room and sits on the couch. Daryl returns, wipes his hands on his pants "Shall we eat something?" He asks. Raven looks up at him "Oh um sure I guess." She says softly "You make dinner, and I'll take a quick shower," He says in his hand as he holds Raven looks at him, and sighs "Oh okay then." She says as she starts making spaghetti.

Raven smiles and giggles. "Alright, I'll be right back." She says as she quickly goes upstairs to change. Raven looks at it and smiles thinking about Daryl that he got this for her. "Daryl." She says smiling as she rolls her eyes puts it on and looks at herself in the mirror loving what she sees. She goes to the top of the stairs and slowly walks down the stairs. "So? How do I look?" She asks him, standing his face away from her.
Daryl turns slightly when he hears footsteps on the stairs and smiles slightly at the sight of her. "The effect is even better than he thought when he saw the dress on the rack" Raven smiles and turns around showing how it looks on her. "I love it. Thank you Daryl." she says "Beautiful" - she smiles broadly " I have something else but it's after we eat ok?" Raven smiles and blushes and looks at him confused and shrugs ''Alright Daryl let's eat, I made spaghetti." She says as she walks over.
Daryl remains silent throughout the dinner, his leg hopping nervously Raven looks at him as she eats and puts her hand on top of his hand. "I love you, Daryl. You know that right?" She questions him. "I know" He nods "I love you too, Raven Rose." Raven smiles and blushes finishes her plate and hides her face hiding the blushes. Daryl laughs quietly as he finishes dinner, pushes the plates further down on the table away from them pulls something out of his lap, and places it on the table. Raven looks at it confused and smiles softly "What's this Daryl?" She asks him, staring at him and then the box. "Open" He nods his nose in the direction of the box. Raven grabs the box looks at him smiles and stares at him. "What are you planning Dixon?" She questions as she slowly "Woman just opened it" She rolls her eyes.

At the very top, there is something on the black material lying, just below it. Raven takes the cloth off the box and smiles and then under and then looks up at him and giggles and blushes. "I love all of this. I was thinking it would be something else but I love this too." She says softly looking up at him. "You said you wanted a pina colada but I couldn't find the damn drink but I got a sweatshirt" Raven smiles and giggles. "Okay, what about the knives?" She asks Raven smiles softly thinking to herself thinking he was going to give her a ring but the gifts are a sweet gesture. Daryl smiles slightly. grabs her hand. "You know I have no experience in all this but there is something else" Raven looks at him and smiles holding his hand "Oh great more surprise I love these gestures of love with gifts." She says softly.

Daryl takes a deep breath " I know things have been happening a lot lately, that conditions will never be perfect but..." He pulls a small bundle out of his pocket "You are the love of my life Raven Rose, you are the first woman I feel so comfortable with, someone I can tell everything to and won't judge me. For the first time, I felt truly loved." He says. He slides the paper in her direction "I will understand if you say it is too soon or that you are not sure you want to do it, would you like to spend the rest of your days as Mrs. Dixon?" He asks. Raven looks up at him tearing up as she uncovers the ring and smiles and looks into his eyes after seeing the ring and nods. "Yes, Daryl I would love to. Marry you." She says crying tears of joy.

Daryl blushes but grins ear to ear and slips. Raven smiles and looks into his eyes and kisses him passionately and deeply in tears holding his face. Daryl holds her face in his hands and smiles into the kiss, when he runs out of breath he pulls away slightly Raven smiles and blushes and nods "We'll organize something here among the family and you'll become Mrs. Dixon." He says. Raven smiles and blushes. "I can't wait to be Mrs. Dixon'' She says "I love you, Mrs. Dixon," He whispers into her mouth and kisses her again.

Raven smiles and blushes "I love you too Mr. Dixon." She says kissing him again and putting her hand on the sides of his neck Daryl finally feels complete and feels he will spend the rest of his life with this woman, even if it were to be short. Raven finally feels happy even if the world has gone to shit she is happy to have Daryl in her life to love and protect her. Daryl pulls away from her slightly. "How about you try on some underwear and put a pina colada sweatshirt over it?" He moves his eyebrows significantly.

Raven smiles and giggles as she goes to grab the sweatshirt and the underwear and goes into the bathroom that was downstairs. Daryl cleans up after dinner and smiles to himself like a fool. He looks out the window, he never would have guessed that in this world he would have a fiance, hell he never even thought about it in his normal life. Raven smiles and gets in her outfit and looks at herself in the mirror and giggles, loving the outfit she walks out of the bathroom into the living room. Daryl stands with his back to the living room and stares at the view outside the window. He can be happy even with Negan in his cell, nothing can spoil his happiness. "Hey, honey can you make a fire? It would be nice to cuddle in front of a fire." She asks "Sure, I'll go outside for wood" He smiles and leaves Raven smiles and sighs, and sits on the floor in front of the fireplace. She will go visit that asshole in the morning she wants to enjoy being with Daryl especially after being proposed to. Daryl returns with the wood lights a fire in the fireplace and sits down next to Raven. "Good size?" He slides his hand down her thigh. Raven smiles and nods and puts her hand on top of his hand. "Yes, it fits perfectly. Thank you. I love you, Daryl Dixon." She says "I love you too Raven Dixon." He says.

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